VIRTUAL BEINGS a republié ceci
I have a confession to make: I love Valentine’s Day. I get that many people see it as the quintessence of consumerism. To those I reply: Has anyone, anywhere ever died from eating too many heart-shaped chocolate truffles? Touché. When I think of the dark side of Valentine’s Day, what comes to mind isn’t the oversupply of chocolate or the girly colors in all the shop windows, it’s the thorny but increasingly unavoidable subject of loneliness. Research out of Harvard’s Graduate School of Education* shows that Gen Z feels lonelier than any generation before it. Love and connection seem out of reach for an ever-growing number of people. As a techno optimist of sorts, I do believe that tech should be part of the solution for alleviating loneliness. But that doesn’t mean that anything tech has to offer as a “solution” can be taken at face value. Case in point: AI girlfriends & boyfriends. The incredible success of companies like or Replika has catapulted those to the center of public attention. If you think that such services do more good than harm, I challenge you to show me a single executive at any of these companies who allows their own children to use them. Steve Jobs didn’t let his kids near an iPad for a reason. I believe that not just tech in general, but AI characters in particular can help bring people together and alleviate loneliness. A key inspiration for us at VIRTUAL BEINGS aren’t girl/boyfriends, but real pets. Research has shown time and again that pet owners are happier and more social than those without. Can we do the same with virtual pets - use them to create more connections between actual people? I sure hope so, and am willing to put our resources where my mouth is. More to come soon!