On December 9th 2024, Google made the news with its 105-qubit superconducting Willow chip. The announcement contains key technology news about the capacity to correct errors in superconducting qubit quantum computers, but also, some dubious claims comparing the Willow chip with classical computers.
Forming an education opinion on this announcement is a tedious and very technical task. I consolidate in a post some insights on these announcements and position them on the road towards fault-tolerant quantum computers. FTQC is about delivering on the many promises related to solving problems in healthcare, energy, climate, optimizations, and whatever market. Google's Willow is a step forward in the creation of logical qubits, but it is just one step in a long journey that will take at least a decade.
The post describes the many challenges behind the long quest towards fault-tolerant quantum computers, the history of Google’s research in the field, technical details about their achievements and the remaining challenges, and comments on their cross-entropy randomized benchmark and gazillion years of classical computing comparison which doesn’t make any sense.
PS: I added an explanation of the difference between being "under threshold" (in Google paper's title) and "breakeven" (mentionned in the paper) for quantum error correction codes.