Post de Aurore Fanal

Voir le profil de Aurore Fanal, visuel

Bioingénieur, PhD. Attachée qualifiée (SPW ARNE). Spécialiste en gestion de la biodiversité.

Cet effondrement du vivant est extrêmement préoccupant, et pourtant il semble complètement ignoré de nos politiques... Des actions fortes en faveur de la biodiversité devraient être dans le top de nos priorités, de même que la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique.

Voir la page d’organisation pour WWF-Belgique, visuel

13 635  abonnés

🚨 BREAKING: The new Living Planet Report is out, and it is clear: nature is in peril. The average population size of wild animals declined by 73% since 1970. Essential ecosystems are on the verge of collapse, and we are getting dangerously close to tipping points. Once we cross them, we face terrible and irreversible consequences for humans and nature. The time to spring into action is NOW. Not tomorrow or next year, NOW. ⏰ We know what needs to be done: 🌍we must increase our commitment to conservation. 🌍we need to transform our food and energy systems. 🌍we need to take nature into account in financial decisions. Together, we make a difference. Let's take action as if our lives depend on it, because they really do. Help us spread the message – share this post and give nature a voice. 📣 #ActForOurPlanet #LPR2024 #LivingPlanetReport

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