📢 Vous souhaitez mieux comprendre les règles essentielles sur le droit d’auteur? Ne manquez pas cette formation animée par Sonya Morales, docteure en droit et gestionnaire du Bureau du droit d’auteur à l'Université Laval ! ✨ Inscription obligatoire pour y assister: https://bit.ly/3UW6CSf 📅 Mercredi 4 décembre | 🕥 10h30-12h | 📍 Salle GHK 2320-2330 Détails:👉 https://bit.ly/3AH9rzP 🌲🌲🌲 📢 Would you like to better understand the essential rules of copyright? Don’t miss this training session led by Sonya Morales, Doctor of Law and Manager of the Copyright Office at Université Laval! ✨ Mandatory registration: https://bit.ly/3UW6CSf 📅 Wednesday, December 4 | 🕥 10:30 AM-12:00 PM | 📍 Room GHK 2320-2330 Details:👉 https://bit.ly/3AJy4Mo Université Laval - Faculté de foresterie, de géographie et de géomatique Université Laval
Post de Centre de Recherche sur les Matériaux Renouvelables (CRMR)
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Grant Writing for Artists: Workshop Part 1 📢 Ready to take your art practice to the next level with funding? Join our very own Liz Barron for Part 1 of this two-part workshop, presented by Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art (MAWA) in partnership with Creative Manitoba. Learn how to write a compelling grant application, prepare your project proposal, budget, and résumé, and understand what to include (and avoid!) in your application. When: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 🗓️ Time: 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM CST ⏰ Where: Online Event Cost: Free Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get organized and apply for funding to support your practice. Reserve your spot now and learn from an experienced grant writer! 🎨 Rédaction de demandes de subvention pour les artistes : Atelier Partie 1 📢 Prêt à faire passer votre pratique artistique au niveau supérieur grâce à un financement ? Rejoignez notre propre Liz Barron pour la Partie 1 de cet atelier en deux parties, présenté par Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art (MAWA) en partenariat avec Creative Manitoba. Apprenez à rédiger une demande de subvention convaincante, préparez votre proposition de projet, votre budget et votre CV, et comprenez ce qu’il faut inclure (et éviter !) dans votre demande. Quand : Mercredi 15 janvier 2025 🗓️ Heure : 19 h – 21 h 30 CST ⏰ Où : Événement en ligne Coût : Gratuit Ne manquez pas cette occasion de vous organiser et de postuler pour un financement pour soutenir votre pratique. Réservez votre place dès maintenant et apprenez d’une rédactrice de demandes de subvention expérimentée ! 🎨
"Résumé? But I'm an independent artist!" And yet you're still expected to have one for your grant proposal. So how do you best align your résumé with your grant goals? Further to that, how do you set a realistic budget for your project? Grant Writing with Liz Barron | Part Two: Résumés & Budgets Wednesday, January 22, 2025 | 7 - 9:30 pm | Online | FREE In part two of this grant writing series- in partnership with MAWA Mentoring Artists for Women's Art- you will learn how to put together a résumé and budget for your grant application that best reflects your arts practice and your upcoming plans. There will be important discussions about what to do and what not to do and how to select the best possible support materials. Attend and learn the ropes from an experienced grant writer- you need not have attended the first workshop to attend this one. Register today and take that next step towards getting funded! https://lnkd.in/gzU9Rxeq
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Something that needs to be done for the internet archive (Not Sponsored). here's a link to helping the internet archive's petition on change.org: https://chng.it/vtW48cCKyG. Their court case is tomorrow and they need as much support as possible to help their case and to anyone interested please use this link to watch it: https://lnkd.in/g74EyYnm Here are the brief that help them in their case: https://lnkd.in/gkfmDCRe. The people supporting them are the: American Library Association and Association of Research Libraries, Authors Alliance, Center for Democracy & Technology, Library Freedom Project, and Public Knowledge, Copia Institute, Copyright Scholars, eBook Study Group, Library Futures Project, EveryLibrary Institute, ReadersFirst, SPARC, ASERL, BLC, PALCI, Urban Libraries Unite and 218 individual librarians, HathiTrust, Intellectual Property Law Professors, Kevin L. Smith and William M Cross, Law Library Directors, Professors and Academics and lastly Wikipedia, Creative Commons, and Project Gutenberg. I please implore you people of linked in to help support this cause as much as possible, spread the word; make it go viral and help these people out.
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📚 Droit d'auteur et éducation au Canada : avons-nous progressé en deux siècles ? Un excellent article par l'auteur canadien Hugh Stephens sur l'équilibre délicat entre la promotion de l’apprentissage et la protection des droits des créatrices et créateurs. À lire ! 👇
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الحمد لله، تم قبول نشر أول ورقة علمية من بحث الدكتوراه في مجلة BMJ Open بعنوان "Theories, models and frameworks to understand barriers to the provision of mobility assistive technologies: a scoping review". عملية استغرقت ٨ أشهر، توجت بالنشر الحمد لله تهدف الدراسة لتوليف النظريات والأطر وفهم محددات الوصول للتكنولوجيا المساعدة للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة، وعمل نموذج قائم على الأدلة العلمية. يمكن أن يكون هذا النموذج بمثابة أهداف للعمل المستقبلي لتحسين التوفير والاستدامة. https://lnkd.in/dbQu97d8 . My first scientific paper from my PhD research has been published in BMJ Open. Titled "Theories, models and frameworks to understand barriers to the provision of mobility assistive technologies: a scoping review." The study aims to synthesise models, theories, and frameworks to understand the determinants of access to mobility assistive technologies. Our synthetic model describes the logic of providing evidence-based mobility-assistive technologies, and we identify the determinants of access that can act as targets for future work to improve the provision of mobility-assistive technologies. #rehabilitation #assistivetechnology #occupationaltherapy
Theories, models and frameworks to understand barriers to the provision of mobility-assistive technologies: a scoping review
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💡 The European Commission is conducting a study exploring the role of copyright in facilitating access to digital collections of public interest institutions, such as libraries, archives, museums, educational establishments, and research organisations, specifically for distance education and research purposes. The results of this study will directly inform policy-making and will thus be very valuable! 👉 If you want to share your perspectives on behalf of a cultural heritage institution (e.g. library, museum, archive), educational institution (e.g. school, university), or research institution (e.g. think-tank, research institute), please use this link: https://lnkd.in/e-XcJidG 👉 If you want to share your perspectives as an individual – teacher, educator, lecturer, student, researcher, or patron of a library, museum or archive – please use this link: https://lnkd.in/egQs_p8t
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This is the first World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Toolkit on Preservation for Cultural Heritage Institutions – Libraries, Archives, and Museums. The manual is meant to help one of the main missions of cultural heritage institutions, which is to preserve the treasures and records entrusted to their care. With the advent of the digital age, new means are available to keep the memory of the original. This process may intersect with copyright. The international legal framework integrated this dimension from the very beginning in the foundational copyright and related rights treaties. Climate change has amplified the long-standing threats to collections and there is now a need to address these threats in an efficient but also in a pragmatic way to support cultural institutions in their mission to stewart collections. The ultimate objective is to empower and create a safe and secure environment for cultural heritage professionals to carry out their mission. Remember that again, in this field, there is no one-size-fits-all! More useful toolkits are in the pipeline! https://lnkd.in/dwiqBjE4
The Right Laws for Preserving our Past: Exploring the new WIPO Toolkit on Preservation - ICA
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Tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur le droit d’auteur en vidéo https://wix.to/kdSvx7P
Tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur le droit d’auteur en vidéo
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Quelles sont les valeurs clés à analyser pour optimiser son site web pour une institution culturelle ? Substrakt vient de sortir un benchmark sur les performances des sites culturels pour répondre à cette question ! 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚̀ 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐫 : • 76 sites web analysés en 2023 : d’institutions d’Europe et d’Amérique du Nord, du secteur culturel (théâtres, musées, patrimoine, opéra, compagnies de danse, etc) ; • Les utilisateurs visitent principalement les sites avec leurs mobiles ; • Le trafic provient à 43,7% des résultats naturels issus des moteurs de recherche ; • La page d’accueil n’est pas toujours la première page visitée par les utilisateurs : elle l’est pour les petites institutions, mais beaucoup moins pour les grandes (où les visiteurs arrivent le plus souvent sur des pages d’événements ou d'autres pages) ; • Une analyse sur les taux de conversion, les donations, les achats en ligne, les adhésions… avec des cas d’études pour en tirer des bonnes pratiques ! Bonne lecture !
Director - Sector Strategy @Substrakt. Chair of Board @FACT. Digital // Arts & Culture // Audience Development // Business Development // Governance
Over the years I have been asked so many times about what 'good' looks like in relation to arts and culture websites: How many visitors should we be getting to our site? What is a good conversion rate? etc! To help answer questions like this Substrakt is pleased to launch our first ever Benchmark Report for Cultural Websites, find it at https://lnkd.in/d-ci3Tmc
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⚠ Clumsy copy for scientific cover artwork 2 years ago we created the cover art for Mojtaba Abdi-Jalebi's lab which the subject was related to perovskite structures and the cover was published in February 2023. Unbelievably, we understood in May 2024 the cover of Energy Advances was published with a clumsy copy. Although, it is routine in art to catch ideas from other artists and artworks, following some principles shouldn't be overlooked. Usually, the authors and designers sign the journal copyright form, but they should consider if they don't follow the copyright, it will endanger their reputation in scientific society. The case of the Energy Advances cover art from May 2024 serves as a reminder that even unintentional similarities can lead to questions of originality. You can see the brainstorming and the design process video of this cover in the link below: https://lnkd.in/d6GWufM9
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