Vibration directe ou vibration par résonnance ? EAMS fabrique les 2 types. Sur les machines de courte longueur, la vibration directe s'impose même s'il peut y avoir des cas particuliers. Pour les grandes longueurs, l'on peut discuter ... voici nos arguments, parlons-en😀 #convoyeurvibrant #transporteurvibrant Directe trilling of resonantietrilling? EAMS produceert beide typen. Op machines met een korte lengte is directe trilling essentieel, zelfs als er speciale gevallen zijn. We kunnen lange tijd discussiëren... #vibrerendetransportband Direct vibration or resonance vibration? EAMS manufactures both types. On short length machines, direct vibration is essential even if there may be special cases. For long lengths, we can discuss... #vibratoryconveyor #vibratingconveyor
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Let us think a bit! Dynamic vibration analysis… Prenez un #corps auquel vous soumettez à une analyse dynamique pour deux matériaux différents. Vous obtenez deux réponses : 35 Hz et 100 Hz respectivement. À)- Que signifient techniquement ces valeurs ? B)-Une faible réponse vibratoire est-elle le signe d’un corps souple et peu rigide, donc inadapté à l’exploitation ? C)- Parmi les deux hypothèses, quel cors est moins robuste et pourquoi? J’ai hâte d’apprendre de vos commentaires! Bon dimanche à tous! #mechanical #Dynamic #Vibration #NVH #Structural_analysis #Analyse_vibratoire #Modes_propes #Thermal #Fatigue
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This is becoming a topic with just about every engineer I talk to.
Avoid damage, improve performance. The TORQUE LIMITER guarantees precise tightening, preventing the risk of exceeding the tightening torque and protecting metal-to-timber connections. And if you combine it with CATCH, thanks to which the screw head is firmly fixed and prevents the bit from slipping, everything is smooth, even when installing very long screws. The permanently lubricated internal clutch eliminates the need for maintenance. An investment that protects your work and your materials—visit us to find out more: - - Evita i danni, migliora le prestazioni. Il limitatore di coppia TORQUE LIMITER garantisce avvitature precise, prevenendo il rischio di superare la coppia di serraggio e proteggendo le connessioni metallo-legno. Se poi lo abbini con CATCH, grazie al quale la testa della vite viene fissata saldamente e impedisce al bit di slittare, è tutto fluido, anche nell'installazione di viti molto lunghe. La frizione interna, lubrificata permanentemente, elimina la necessità di manutenzione. Un investimento che tutela il tuo lavoro e i tuoi materiali, vieni a conoscerlo:
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Types of radial bearings. (Radial bearings are the bearings which supports the radial loads which are perpendicular to a rotating shaft.) #sharpbearings #dcmgroup #knowledgepost
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Pour comprendre la viscosité
Viscosité des fluides Newtoniens et non Newtoniens
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#pompe a gaz #équilibrage #alignement laser #analyse vibratoire #1500kw
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🌟 Boost Reliability in Harsh Conditions with Active Magnetic Bearings 🌟 Active Magnetic Bearings (AMBs) are built to withstand extreme environments, from high temperatures to contaminated industrial settings. With no direct contact between moving parts, AMBs reduce wear and protect against damage from dirt and debris, ensuring exceptional reliability. For added durability, AMBs can be "canned" within a sealed enclosure, offering even greater protection from external contaminants. This guarantees long-lasting performance, even in the toughest conditions. Switching to active magnetic bearings not only enhances the efficiency of your high-speed motors but also delivers a robust solution for long-term reliability. Learn more benefits of using Active Magnetic Bearings from our blog: #IndustrialEfficiency #ActiveMagneticBearings #EnergyEfficiency #ExtremeEnvironment #SpinDrive
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The Quiet Revolution in Motion: Magnetic Gears 🧲 Have you ever encountered Magnetic Gears? They're changing the way we perceive gears. 🌟 🧲 Since magnets repel one another, they are used in place of teeth to create the illusion of teeth. Flexible with a bouncy backlash! 🙡️ No Wear and Tear: They are strong and require little upkeep because they operate without contact. 🔇 Quiet Operators: Ideal for settings where noise levels are critical. 💥 Perfect for Risky Areas: Utilise them in enclosed spaces or vacuum-sealed vacuums to lower hazards. #magneticgears #innovation #technology #letsconnect #mechanical
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Tube DEL de 48 po, Fonctionne avec ou sans ballast dans un seul tube. Type A+B Gradation Triac. Efficacité lumineuse élevée de 130 lumens par watt (LPW). CCT Réglable: 3000K / 3500K / 4000K / 5000K / 6000K / 6500K
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This week's #WednesdayWaveform is not a waveform at all, but a spectrum. It originates from a fan inboard bearing in the axial direction. Overall amplitudes surged from 0.2 to 0.6 in/s RMS within a four-hour timeframe. Do we suspect imbalance, looseness, bearing failure, or a combination? #conditionmonitoring #vibration #vibrationanalysis
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Gagnez du temps sur le chantier et augmentez votre capacité Les raccords circulaires METU permettent, par rapport aux brides plates, d'assembler les conduits de ventilation en deux fois moins de temps ! L'expression « deux fois moins de temps » peut sembler exagérée... Mais le fait de n'avoir à serrer qu'un seul boulon pour tous les diamètres de 71 à 3000 mm au lieu de 4, 6, 12 ou encore plus pour les systèmes à brides plates vous permet de certainement gagner encore plus que "la moitié du temps". Jugez-en par vous-mêmes en regardant cette vidéo : #metu #conduits #ventilation #brides
METU-SYSTEM AF-Rohrflansche und SR-Spannringe mit Dichtung
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