Aujourd'hui, nous célébrons le rôle essentiel de nos enseignants dans l'épanouissement de nos élève. À l'EIB, nous croyons fermement qu'une éducation de qualité repose sur la passion et l'engagement des enseignants qui accompagnent chaque élève au quotidien et partagent leur connaissances avec enthousiasme. Un grand merci aux enseignants qui travaillent chaque jour pour guider nos élèves vers la réussite et leur offrent un soutien sans faille ! **** Today we celebrate the essential role our teachers play in the development of our students. At EIB, we firmly believe that quality education is based on the passion and commitment of the teachers who care for each student on a daily basis and eagerly share their knowledge. A big thank you to the teachers who work every day to guide our students to success and offer them unfailing support! #eibparis #edchat #globalcitizens #internationalschools #shapingtheworld #Globeducate #worldteachersday #journeemondialedesenseignants
Post de Ecole Internationale Bilingue - EIB Paris
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A recent study has found that England is one of the world’s top performers in school attainment, but deep inequalities still remain. The Institute for Fiscal Studies has found that England is one of the best-performing countries in terms of school-age attainment. Over the past decade, the literacy and numeracy skills of 15-year-olds in England have improved significantly relative to other high-income countries - which is fantastic news. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has sadly reduced performance - reversing a decade of progress in reading. There has been virtually no change in the gap between children from more and less disadvantaged backgrounds in GCSE attainment over the past 20 years, with absenteeism also increasing by almost two-thirds. To tackle these issues in education, there needs to be a targeted effort to address inequality and improve efficiency within schools. At Novatia, we provide specialist ICT solutions to help boost your infrastructure and improve quality of learning. We take our passion, knowledge, and experience of ICT to make a real difference to learning outcomes in Education. Check out our website to learn more about what we do. 🔗: Read the full IFS report here: #SchoolPerformance #ShapingFutures #Novatia
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💡 4 scénarios pour l'école en 2024 (Commission européenne) A quoi ressembleront les systèmes scolaires européens en 2040 ? Pour répondre à cette question, la European Commission publie une étude prospective et identifie quatre scénarios. Le rôle du #numérique, la #formation des enseignants, l'organisation des programmes, l'interdisciplinarité...dans chacun des items diverses hypothèses et moyens d'actions. 👉 à lire sur le site de la commission (rapport de 121 pages, en anglais) :
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SCHOOLS AGREEMENT MUST SUPPORT ALL AUSTRALIAN STUDENTS FOR REFORM TO SUCCEED All Australian students, in all schools, must be supported to benefit from school reforms, Independent Schools Australia (ISA) said following the release today of the Better and Fairer Schools Agreement (BFSA) by the Albanese Government. ISA CEO Graham Catt said, “ISA commends Minister Clare’s commitment to educational reforms to lift student outcomes. The BFSA’s focus on evidence-based teaching, early intervention through phonics and numeracy checks, and enhanced wellbeing support are positive initiatives.” “We appreciate the involvement of non-government sector peak bodies in the BFSA consultations, as a collaborative approach is essential for the success of significant reforms.” “A sector neutral approach to resourcing reform initiatives is also critical for the success of an ambitious reform agenda.” Mr Catt said. “Around one third of all Australian students attend a non-government school.” Read the full media release here:
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In response to our latest reports on Understanding Inequity in Tertiary Education in Wales, leading education experts have written thinkpieces calling for action to reduce inequalities throughout the entire education system and beyond ⤵️ Luke Sibieta author of ‘Major Challenges for Education in Wales’ earlier this year, points to the need for intervention much earlier in the education system to reduce inequalities; Professor Ellen Hazelkorn, author of the report which led to the establishment of Medr: Commission for Tertiary Education and Research | Y Comisiwn Addysg Drydyddol ac Ymchwil, has challenged the new body to look at a radical change in approach to tertiary education; Joshua Miles, Wales Director of the Learning and Work Institute calls for a renewed focus on adult learning; and Professor Vikki Boliver believes there is a place for a greater role for contextualised admissions in Welsh universities. READ MORE: #ETEWales
Tackling inequity in tertiary education
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Arrêté concernant les groupes de besoin au collège et en annexes, l’organisation horaire des enseignements 6ème et cycle 4.
Arrêté du 15 mars 2024 modifiant l'arrêté du 19 mai 2015 relatif à l'organisation des enseignements dans les classes de collège
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