Planter des graines de paix et d'amour est un moyen merveilleux de contribuer positivement au monde qui nous entoure. L'éveil de l'âme peut apporter de la lumière et de la positivité pour le vivre-ensemble . Il est essentiel de cultiver ces valeurs pour créer un monde meilleur et plus harmonieux pour tous. Comment envisagez-vous de mettre cela en pratique dans votre quotidien?
creëren, poëet, singer songwriter, zanger 🎶 New time is coming 🎶😃
11 moisGood morning everyone. Waking up in a good mood and smiling already creates joy at the start of the day, for your family members and yourself. Be courteous in traffic, on the road, on the train, tram, bus, on your bicycle... Be grateful for the new day and that you can work, even if the work is sometimes boring. Listen without judging. Stick to agreements. Never make promises you cannot keep. A good deed does not require a reward. I like to send positive vibrations and energy, my laughter, music, poetry and warmth to anyone who wants it 🙏☀️🌊🐬💙💜🫂🪷🌺