Voir le profil de Fabienne BOSCHER METCALFE, visuel

Directeur Business Unit | Directeur général | Direction Marketing & Commerciale | CMO | FMCG | Transformation stratégique & excellence opérationnelle | RSE & Digital I RGM

La digitalisation sera sans nul doute un asset déterminant dans la roadmap sustainability des entreprises. Incontournable pour collecter, piloter, reporter, simuler la data. Incontournable en terme d'excellence opérationnelle, employee et customer expérience. #dataforimpact#dataforgood Nicolas Petit, Eneric Lopez

Voir la page d’organisation pour Beiersdorf, visuel

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Sustainability meets digitalization🌱 Our "Sustainability Digitalization Program" is here, marking a real breakthrough in data transparency at Beiersdorf! With seamless collaboration between our Corporate Sustainability and IT teams, among others Dorothee Kässner, Birte Paustian-Blömer, Paco Nuguid, Sebastian Pinzke, and thanks to Microsoft, we're now able with a simple mouse-click to have an overview where we stand with our emission reduction progress, see how our actions impact our future emissions and can pre-evaluate possible future scenarios. Make sure to read our blogstory for more information and stay tuned as we discuss this innovative approach with Annette Hamann at the Hamburger IT-Strategietage! #Beiersdorf #TogetherWeCare #CareBeyondSkin #innovation #sustainability

Sustainability meets Digitalization

Sustainability meets Digitalization

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