#NowAvailable: A wildland-urban post-fire case study: The Grouse Complex. This publication synthesizes the results and key findings made by FPInnovations’ staff and partners Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction and FireSmart BC, and offers actionable insights and recommendations to better equip governments, wildland and structural fire agencies, insurance companies, community leaders, and many other partners in their work with residents, decision-makers, and elected officials to reduce the risk from future wildfire events. **** #MaintenantDisponible (texte anglais) : A wildland-urban post-fire case study: The Grouse Complex. Cette publication synthétise les résultats et principaux constats du personnel de FPInnovations et de ses partenaires Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction et FireSmart BC et propose des idées et des recommandations concrètes pour mieux équiper les gouvernements, agences de lutte contre les incendies de forêt et les incendies structurels, compagnies d'assurance, dirigeants communautaires et nombreux autres partenaires dans leur travail avec les résidents, les décideurs et les élus pour réduire le risque d'incendies de forêt à l'avenir. #wildfire #incendiesforestiers
Today, the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, FPInnovations and FireSmart BC released a report on the Grouse Mountain Complex wildfires. The fires lead to significant structure loss in West Kelowna/Kelowna/Shuswap in August 2023. The report has two main components: 1. A fire spread analysis to identify how the wildfire moved into the communities and how fire spread once it had entered those communities. 2. Structure ignition and survival analyses to determine the factors that enabled or prevented damage. Insured damage from these fires neared $500m. https://lnkd.in/gyPSAbZ3