In focus | ADO 'Through his photographic work, Ado (the pseudonym of filmmaker Jean-Martin Gagnon) explores images from VHS tapes to capture the nostalgia of a bygone era. By manipulating the video, he creates colourful portraits, delving into the body through blurs, glitches, and image overlays. Ado reinvents notions of beauty and aesthetics in his artistic approach, offering our eyes a haven in deliberate imperfection. He transforms raw images into gentle and poetic works, acting as a soothing balm for retinas fatigued by the clarity of 4k and the abundance of screens.' “Entre chien et Louve” | Ed. of 2 | Archival pigment print on premium gloss 250g paper mounted on acrylic | 72″ x 48″ “Dorothy” | Ed. of 2 | Archival pigment print on premium gloss 250g paper mounted on acrylic | 72″ x 48″ • • • 'À travers son travail photographique, Ado (pseudonyme du cinéaste Jean-Martin Gagnon) explore les images de cassettes VHS, afin de capturer la nostalgie d’une époque révolue. En altérant la vidéo, il crée des portraits colorés, explorant le corps par les flous, les glitchs et la superposition d’images. Dans sa démarche artistique, Ado réinvente les notions de beauté et d’esthétique. Il offre à nos yeux un refuge dans l’imperfection délibérée, transformant ainsi des images brutes en œuvres douces et poétiques, comme un baume pour nos rétines blasées par la clarté du 4k et la surabondance d’écrans.' “Entre chien et Louve″ | Ed. de 2 | Impression encre pigmentée sur papier archive premium gloss 250g, montage sur acrylique | 72″ x 48″ “Dorothy″ | Ed. de 2 | Impression encre pigmentée sur papier archive premium gloss 250g, montage sur acrylique | 72″ x 48″ Learn more about the artist | Découvrez-en plus sur l'artiste: #galerieleroyer #glr #montreal #toronto #ADO
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Excellent dimanche 🎊 Retouche photo dans Photoshop, WhatsApp : +22896907203 #retouchephoto #logodesign #maquette #conceptiondeflyers #identitevisuels #creativité #infographie #serigraphie #designdemarque
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THE OLDEST PHOTO OF A U.S. PRESIDENT IS OF JOHN QUINCY ADAMS On March 8 and 16 of 1843, former U.S. president and then-congressman John Quincy Adams trudged to the Washington, D.C., studio of Philip Haas to sit for a portrait of his likeness. Portraiture of wealthy and esteemed individuals was nothing new, but these particular visits involved the novel technology of the daguerreotype, an early form of photography in which the exposure of light on a copper plate coated with silver iodine and treated with a salt solution produced images that proved spellbounding to people of the era. This wasn't the first time the venerable congressman had posed for a photo: During a trip to Boston the previous September, he paid a visit to the studio of John Plumbe, though he struggled to stay awake during the hour-and-a-half session. Fortunately, the March 1843 experiences were more fruitful for both the sitter and photographer. Adams' March 8 diary entry reflects his amazement of the process, which he described as "yet altogether incomprehensible to me... It would seem as easy to stamp a fixed portrait from the reflection of a mirror; but how wonderful would that reflection itself be, if we were not familiarised to it from childhood." Returning the following week, Adams interrupted the session of fellow congressman Horace Everett to have his photo taken again. He later gave one of the resulting daguerreotypes to Everett, perhaps as a token of appreciation for allowing him to cut the line; it remained hidden from the public until being unearthed in the 1990s, and today sits in the National Portrait Gallery as the oldest surviving photo of a U.S. president. It's worth noting that Adams was not the first president to be photographed; that honor goes to William Henry Harrison, who sat for a daguerreotype shortly after his inauguration in March 1841, although that image has been lost to history. And as the Adams administration had been over for more than a decade by the time the former president posed for Haas, it is also not the oldest photo of a sitting U.S. president. That distinction belongs to James K. Polk, who posed for his piece of history in the White House in 1849. Source:
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CONCEPTION 𝐊𝐄𝐌𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 Votre partenaire expert en 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐄 𝐄𝐓 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐌𝐄 - Réaliser par 𝐊𝐄𝐌𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 - Logiciel : Photoshop #ConceptionGraphique #ArtNumérique #Impression #DesignGraphique #Graphisme #Création #Décoration #IdentitéVisuelle #Illustration #Graphisme #Communicationvisuel #photoshop #DesignColoré #Photographie #kemsdesigncreative
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🗣✏️ The inherent paradox within “photographic seeing” is that no single person can be in all places at once, nor predict what is going to happen before reality can be transcribed as a photograph. In Vucci’s photograph, we are given the illusion that this photograph captures “the moment” or “a shot”. Yet it doesn’t capture the moment of the shooting, but its immediate aftermath. The photograph captures Trump’s media acuity and swift, responsive performance to the attempted assassination, standing to rise with his fist in the air. In a post-truth world, there has been a pervasive concern about knowing the truth. While that extends beyond photographic representation, photography and visual representation play a considerable part. Whether this image will further contribute to the mythology of Donald Trump, and his potential reelection, is yet to be seen.
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CONCEPTION 𝐊𝐄𝐌𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 Votre partenaire expert en 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐄 𝐄𝐓 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐌𝐄 - Réaliser par 𝐊𝐄𝐌𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 - Logiciel : Photoshop #ConceptionGraphique #ArtNumérique #Impression #DesignGraphique #Graphisme #Création #Décoration #IdentitéVisuelle #Illustration #Graphisme #Communicationvisuel #photoshop #DesignColoré #Photographie #kemsdesigncreative
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A Photo about Love ❤️: This photograph was taken by my friend Larry at Torrey Pines, California. I decided to showcase his photo with my Analysis of both photography and what is that all about, as well as look through the photo deep into their unconscious psyche through my knowledge of Friudian Psychoanalysis. I will do that in two parts. This is photographic analysis followed by part II, the psychological evaluation. Now think of if can do this how much I can tell you about you if I get a photo from you!!!! This photograph of balanced stones against an ocean backdrop appears to be a subtle yet striking composition that engages with themes of harmony, nature, and balance. ### Photographic Art Perspective: 1. **Balance and Composition**: The positioning of the stones is visually engaging. Each stone is distinct in shape (organic, round, heart-shaped, and curved), creating a harmonious balance on the natural surface of the rock. The symmetry of the central arrangement (with two larger stones on the left and right and smaller ones between them) guides the viewer’s eye across the image. 2. **Use of Light**: The lighting in this image is natural, likely from a low-angled sun given the sharpness of the shadows, creating a dynamic contrast between the rocks and the ocean. The sunlight emphasizes the textures of the stones, revealing their imperfections and unique features. Additionally, the lighting casts soft, directional shadows beneath the stones, enhancing their three-dimensionality. 3. **Background & Depth**: The background consists of the sea and a bright blue sky. The horizon line is placed above the stones, allowing the natural elements (ocean waves, sky) to provide a serene yet dynamic backdrop. The crashing waves in the background bring movement and energy to the stillness of the balanced stones, further emphasizing the idea of contrast between stability and motion. 4. **Color Palette**: The colors are predominantly natural tones—soft greys and earth tones of the stones contrasted against the vivid blues and greens of the ocean and sky. This contrast highlights the juxtaposition between the solid and immovable stones and the fluidity of the water. The white of the breaking waves adds a point of brightness that keeps the image from feeling too static, while the deep blue sky reinforces a calm, infinite backdrop. ### Secret of the Photograph: The photograph seems to communicate balance and peaceful coexistence, both thematically and visually. The placement of the stones suggests careful intention, possibly reflecting the human desire to find stability amidst a turbulent environment, represented by the ocean. The natural light enhances this by casting soft, calming shadows, which suggests an underlying tranquility despite the powerful forces of nature in the background. The heart-shaped stone at the center might symbolize a deeper emotional layer, possibly love or unity. CONTINUED IN PART II ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Une image vaut réellement 1000 mots. Il est possible d’exprimer avec une seule image ce qui aurait nécessité de nombreuses explications. Pensez donc à insérer des illustrations dans vos présentations, documents de formations, campagnes de communication…, pour rendre vos messages plus attractifs et compréhensibles. #illustrations #ultimesgriots #message
Pensez-vous qu'une image vaut réellement mille mots? 🤔 #illustrations #ultimesgriots #images
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The Decisive Moment is the title of what is widely hailed as the most influential photobook ever. When first published it was thought as revolutionary because it advanced the idea of photography as an art form that by virtue of being the only record of ephemeral moments stands for the essence of those events itself. The book has been described as a Bible for photographers, a philosophical legacy to photojournalism and its author, Henri Cartier-Bresson, is revered. There are 126 pictures in the book accompanied by a lengthy 4,500-word preface. In it Henri outlines and reflects upon the life experiences that molded his photographic process. For whatever reason he penciled his ideas in the difficult, pompous, stile that art critics and galleries use still today. "To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as of a precise organization of forms which give that event its proper expression. Inside movement there is one moment at which the elements in motion are in balance." What he says is that is better to understand the reasons for taking a picture, to include in the picture a lot of things related to what is happening, to click at the height of the action and that the picture is nicely composed. Some people argue that his propositions are intrinsic to photography and obvious to everyone. Possibly, but Mr. Bresson was the first one to write about it and to do it in a style that gave a lot of weight to the concepts. Besides, as challenging as his writings might be his pictures are easy to understand and touch everyone. And that maybe the reason why his pictures are emulated not only by photojournalists chronicling extremes of the human condition but also fashion photographers. From Richard Avedon during his young Rolleiflex years to today's Artificial Intelligence generators they have discovered that decisive moments of unparalleled clarity and grace can be found plenty when posing models in chaos. mariano p I help complement your in-house studio. #beauty #skincare #whatinspiresme #cosmetics #organic
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