Post de GrUE - Groupe de recherche sur l'Union européenne

📖 Une nouvelle publication dans Journal of European Integration de notre membre Tom Massart, co-écrit avec Amandine Crespy et Tiago Moreira Ramalho :

Voir le profil de Tom Massart, visuel

PhD candidate in European Studies and Political Economy at ULB/CEVIPOL, FNRS Research fellow

I'm very happy to announce this new publication analysing public statements by EU leaders during the covid-19 pandemic co-authored with Amandine Crespy and Tiago Moreira Ramalho ! 😊 In this paper, 'we show how the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 was framed as a catalyst for tackling the EU’s historical crisis of purpose, the socio-economic imbalances left over from the euro crisis, as well as the predicament of the climate crisis' You can access 50 free versions of the article here:

Embedding past, present and future crises: time and the political construction of the Covid-19 pandemic in the EU

Embedding past, present and future crises: time and the political construction of the Covid-19 pandemic in the EU

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