Post de Mehdi MADI

Voir le profil de Mehdi MADI, visuel

Abbelight | Advanced Microscopy | DeepTech | Business Developper | Entreprerneurship | IOGS 2021

N'hésitez pas à venir discuter avec nous si vous souhaitez caractériser vos EVs grâce à la microscopie de super résolution. Cela peut vous permettre d'explorer de nouveaux horizons pour vos projets de recherche. 🔬 🍅 🍩 #ExtracellularVesicles #ScienceWorkshop #microscopy #Abbelight

Voir la page d’organisation pour Abbelight, visuel

3 542  abonnés

🔬 Dive into the World of Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) with Abbelight!                                                                                                             Join us in Paris for an exciting Hands-on Workshop hosted by the French Society of Extracellular Vesicles (FSEV) and the French Association of Cytometry (AFC). Abbelight is proud to contribute to the exploration of EVs for diverse scientific applications.                                                                                                        📅When: 7th to 9th February 2024 📍Where: FIAP PARIS / Séminaire, Association loi 1901 FIAP Jean Monnet, Auditorium - Level-1, 30 rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris- France                                                                                                         Our Field Application Scientist, Caterina S., will be leading the workshops on February 8th, while our Account Executive Mehdi MADI will be open for discussions on the 7th and 9th.                                                                                                     Discover the detailed program schedule here:                                                                                                      Ready to delve into the world of EVs? Let's meet up! See you there! 🌟 #ExtracellularVesicles #ScienceWorkshop #Abbelight

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