Alexis SESMAT, Aya Barakat et Louis MOUGENOT étaient présents les 20 et 21 novembre aux Journées Techniques du GRETh - Heat Exchanger Research Group à Aix-Les-Bains. Lors de la seconde matinée qui mettait en avant les dernières recherches académiques et industrielles, NEEXT Engineering a présenté les fluides réactifs et leur potentiel révolutionnaire d’amélioration de rendements des cycles thermodynamiques, bousculant par là même les paradigmes de conception des échangeurs de chaleur. Ce séminaire a permis de rencontrer de nombreux experts, partenaires, fabricants. Merci le GRETh pour cette opportunité ! EDF, Fives - Energy | Cryogenics, SIL3X, CEA, Nexson-Group, CERG, NAAREA, STELLARIA 🌀,Symbio, Institut Pprime Alexis SESMAT, Aya Barakat and Louis MOUGENOT attended the GRETh - Heat Exchanger Research Group Technical Days in Aix-Les-Bains on November 20th and 21st. During the second morning session, which highlighted the latest academic and industrial research, NEEXT Engineering presented reactive fluids and their revolutionary potential for improving the efficiency of thermodynamic cycles, thereby challenging traditional heat exchanger design paradigms. This seminar provided an excellent opportunity to connect with numerous experts, partners, and manufacturers. Thank you to GRETh for this opportunity! EDF, Fives - Energy | Cryogenics, SIL3X, CEA, Nexson-Group, CERG, NAAREA, STELLARIA 🌀,Symbio, Institut Pprime
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I am truly honored to have been invited by my esteemed colleague, Prof. Cristian Marchioli, to deliver a talk at the Università degli Studi di Udine. During the session, I will be sharing insights on flow patterns, in-situ volumetric fraction, and pressure drop measurements using dense gas, all collected through the Multiphase Flow Test Platform at the Laboratório de Escoamentos Multifásicos Industriais - LEMI, part of the EESC-USP / Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos. Additionally, I will present data on dense gas and liquid entrainment factors in turbulent stratified and dual-continuous flow patterns, obtained via a collimated gamma-ray densitometer. One of the key phenomena I’ll discuss is gas entrainment, which is significantly more intense in dense-gas/liquid flow. This effect may help explain the challenges faced by current flow-pattern transition models, which tend to give less accurate predictions in these complex systems. Looking forward to engaging with fellow researchers and practitioners in the field. USP - Universidade de São Paulo #multiphase #flow #fluid #fluiddynamics #fluidmechanics #engineering #science #energy #CCS #CCUS #netzero #flowassurance #drops #bubbles ##droplets #carbon #co2 #gas
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First high-speed-camera shots (4,000 fps) on upward-vertical annular dense-gas/liquid flow (Rho_l/Rho_g = 8), taken recently at the Laboratório de Escoamentos Multifásicos Industriais of the EESC-USP / Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos of USP - Universidade de São Paulo. This raw slow-motion video shows us a stable annular flow, ripple waves, and a turbulent gaseous core with dispersed liquid drops and droplets. The interesting finding is that the gas superficial velocity is quite low (2 m/s) for the observations of an annular flow that stable. Apparently, the gas momentum flux is playing a role here to assure the hydrodynamic stability of annular flow, not only the interfacial shear. The results will be presented at SPE Brazil Flow Assurance Technology Congress 2024 #flow #assurance #fluiddynamics #fluidmechanics #twophase #multiphase #ccs #carbon #capture #densegas #energy #fluid #mechanics #oil #gas #experiments #highspeed #camera #hydrodynamic #stability
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Je vous partage le travail exceptionnel de Dr Oumar Drame, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar/Sénégal. L'importance des travaux de Dr Oumar Dramé et leur reconnaissance par Ansys Fluent : une avancée majeure pour l'intégration de l'énergie solaire dans l'agro-industrie au Sénégal Dr. Oumar Dramé, reconnu par Ansys Fluent pour son expertise, est également le représentant de cette prestigieuse entreprise en Afrique francophone. Ansys Fluent est un logiciel de simulation de dynamique des fluides numérique (CFD) qui joue un rôle clé dans l'optimisation des systèmes complexes de transfert de chaleur et de masse. Grâce à ses recherches, Dr. Dramé a démontré comment les outils de simulation peuvent être appliqués pour relever les défis énergétiques, notamment en Afrique. Un de ses travaux les plus remarquables est l'optimisation des séchoirs solaires sous vide, utilisés dans la conservation des produits agroalimentaires. Ce projet se concentre sur l'amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique et la durabilité des processus industriels liés à l'agriculture et à la transformation des aliments.
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[EVENT] ADIPEC wrap-up and key figures “ADIPEC provides an inclusive stage[1] for participants to address the most urgent global energy challenges.” As usual some post-event stats while the effort shifts towards the customer follow-up actions: 205k visitors, largest energy event in the world. 5977 research papers submissions, a new record. 1800 speakers, including our own Pierre MARTIN! 200 top execs. 40 ministers. 10s of tons of compressed hydrogen storage capacity[2] of Delphy. 7 strings of VM110SS hydrogen-resistant alloy 10 3/4 inch pipes used for technology validation[3] project. 3-6 November 2025 are the dates for the next ADIPEC! Images: Vallourec References: [1] ADIPEC Exhibition and Conference [2] Delphy large-scale hydrogen storage [3] Delphy technology demonstrator Edit: updated number of participants from 185k to 205k as per latest reported figures from the organisers. #ADIPEC #hydrogenstorage #greenhydrogen
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ℹ Quelques Innovations et Développements Récents en Tuyauterie Industrielle - Juillet 2024 ℹ 1️⃣ . Conférence ASME sur les Réservoirs Sous Pression et la Tuyauterie (PVP) 2024 : Du 28 juillet au 2 août 2024, la conférence PVP se tiendra à Bellevue, Washington. Cet événement rassemble des experts mondiaux pour discuter des dernières technologies en matière de tuyauterie et réservoirs sous pression. Parmi les sujets clés, on trouve l'interaction fluide-structure, la technologie haute pression, et les examens non destructifs (ASME) (ASME Events - ASME). 2️⃣ . Infrastructure d'Hydrogène à Grande Échelle : L'accent est mis sur l'infrastructure de l'hydrogène, notamment lors d'un atelier expert organisé pendant la conférence PVP. Les discussions porteront sur la compatibilité des matériaux avec l'hydrogène, les méthodes de test, et les défis de stockage et de transmission de l'hydrogène (ASME Events - ASME). 3️⃣ . Systèmes de Tuyauterie Fluidique : Les systèmes de tuyauterie continuent d'innover, notamment en optimisant la conception pour transporter efficacement divers matériaux sous des conditions de pression et de température variées. Les innovations récentes incluent des solutions avancées pour améliorer la durabilité et l'efficacité des systèmes de tuyauterie dans les applications industrielles (Fluid Handling Pro). 4️⃣ . Surveillance et Test des Pipelines : PipeSense a récemment ouvert de nouvelles installations de test à Houston et Clearbrook, axées sur la surveillance continue et l'intégrité des pipelines. Ces avancées permettent de détecter et de prévenir les dommages potentiels, garantissant ainsi une transmission sécurisée et fiable des fluides (Public Gas Journal). Conclusion : Ces développements montrent l'importance de l'innovation dans la tuyauterie industrielle pour répondre aux besoins croissants en énergie propre et en infrastructures durables. Source : 1️⃣ / 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣
Expert Workshop
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Etudier un projet d'installation photovoltaique
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Come join the hydrogen industry in furthering hydrogen refueling station technology! Check out the new SwRI JIP below and learn more at our information session on December 5th.
🚚 To help the mobility industry achieve net zero-emissions goals over the next 25 years, Southwest Research Institute is launching a new Joint Industry Project (JIP) focused on advancing hydrogen refueling equipment and infrastructure. 🗓️ Join us December 5, for an informational session to learn about the H2HD REFUEL consortium or the Hydrogen Heavy-Duty Refueling Equipment and Facilities Utilization Evaluation Laboratory. H2HD REFUEL will conduct hands-on experiments, system modeling and theoretical studies on existing and potential hydrogen refueling station (HRS) technology. The initiative will complement work performed by the SwRI-led H2 ICE Consortium that developed a hydrogen-fueled Class 8 demonstration vehicle. With the help of OEMs, H2HD REFUEL will work to eliminate the barriers preventing the widespread adoption of carbon-neutral hydrogen fuel by the heavy-duty mobility sector. For details about the meeting visit: #Hydrogen #Decarbonization #Mobility
H2HD Refuel Information Meeting
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Phase change materials (PCMs) are commonly applied in thermal energy storage (TES) units. They offer an outstanding possibility of temporary energy accumulation in the form of latent heat of fusion, which is further recovered during solidification stage and can be used to facilitate various technological processes. Their main drawback is that they exhibit low thermal conductivity, making them unsuitable to be charged directly from solar thermal collectors at some latitudes. One way to mitigate this inconvenience is to immerse thin-walled metallic structures within PCM deposits to increase the effective heat transfer rate and, thus, enable its use in CSP and industrial use at the high latitudes intended by ASTEP project. Our partners from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology wrote a paper about it. Authors: Natalia Raźny, Anna Dmitruk and Krzysztof Naplocha. Paper available at: #thermal #CSP #concentrated #PCM #TES
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