🌟 𝗖𝗹𝗮𝗽 𝗱𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗻 𝗽𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝘁 F2F Health Matters ! 🌟 🍎 Durant les 3 dernières années, le projet F2F Health Matters a ciblé les PME européennes qui souhaitaient internationaliser leur expertise et leurs produits sur des marchés nouveaux & étranger. Pour aider à l'internationalisation, 3 types d'aides étaient proposées : 👉🏻 Soutien à la prospection commerciale 👉🏻 Missions exploratoires 👉🏻 Evénements en ligne 💰 Pour Valorial, ce sont 9 adhérents qui ont pu bénéficier d'un soutien financier : archie, Polaris, Marie Morin France, Cake Lucky, Biodevas Laboratoires, Agogo, Vanilla Fair, ALGOLESKO et PROCIDYS. ℹ️ Même si le projet est arrivé à son terme, le site web du projet contenant toutes les informations relatives aux 5 pays cibles (Canada, Japon, Vietnam, Corée du Sud et Emirats Arabes Unis) restent disponibles. 📧 Tanguy Busnel (tanguy.busnel@pole-valorial.fr) & Lola Nicolas (lola.nicolas@pole-valorial.fr) #innovation #europe #alimentation #agroalimentaire #projetseuropeens
These are the last days of F2F Health Matters project and we are summing-up what has been done in the past 3 years. It has been an awesome journey and incredible adventure! 🚀 ✅ We financially supported 4️⃣8️⃣ European #SMEs in their internationalisation endeavour. ✅ We organized 3️⃣ successful missions to Canada, Japan and UAE. ✅ We trained 5️⃣7️⃣ companies in different topics to become ready for exporting to third markets. 🌟 And these are only some of our highlights! If you want to see the main achievements, do not miss out our last press release listing key milestones and success stories of the project. 📰 We will miss you F2F Health Matters. We will miss our mutual exchanges among partners who became more than that! Good luck 🍀 our FRIENDS in your future endeavours! 🙏 A big THANK YOU to Yuan CHAI from Wagralim, the Agri-Food Innovation Cluster of Wallonia, Lola Nicolas, Tanguy Busnel and GENTIL Adrienne from Valorial, le réseau innovation agri-agro, Pilar G. from Galicia Food Cluster, Katarína Blicklingová and Dominika Pancakova from Bioeconomy Cluster, Christelle Domingos and Sandra Pio from InovCluster for continuous support and positive spirit throughout the whole project! 💚 THANK YOU to all partners in target countries who contributed to the organization of missions, delivery of webinars or individual consultancy to our SMEs. It wouldn't be possible to make this happen without you! Cheers to everyone! 🥂 European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA), European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), European Commission #collaboration #networking #healthyfood #clusters #eu #export #ECCP #COSME_EU #ESCP4i #EISMEA