To celebrate Financial Literacy Month in Canada, we hosted a panel discussion at our Headquarters on Financial Wellness, led by our Senior Manager of Learning & Development, Joanna Silla, CTDP. Our experts, Natasha Petriello, CPA and Olivier Méhu, CPA from the SSENSE Finance team, Jean-François Lalonde, FCIA, FSA from Desjardins, and Félix Montminy, CFA from Normandin Beaudry, shared their knowledge and experiences to help our team achieve their financial goals. Thank you to everyone who joined us! 💚💲 _________ À l’occasion du Mois de la littératie financière au Canada, nous avons organisé une table ronde à notre Siège social sur le bien-être financier, menée par notre Gestionnaire principale de l'Apprentissage et du développement, Joanna Silla, CTDP. Nos expertᐧes, Natasha Petriello, CPA et Olivier Méhu, CPA de l'équipe Finances SSENSE, Jean-François Lalonde, FCIA, FSA de chez Desjardins, et Félix Montminy, CFA de chez Normandin Beaudry, ont partagé leurs connaissances et leurs expériences afin d'aider notre équipe à atteindre leurs objectifs financiers. Merci à ceux et à celles qui se sont jointᐧes à nous ! 💚💲 #FinancialLiteracyMonth #FinancialWellness
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What a panel of experts on financial wellness and helping Canadians achieve financial security! Can’t wait to hear their tips.
Psst…we’re hosting an event on the one subject that unites all Canadians – money! Yanni Vlachos, MBA(HRM),CEBS, Senior Programs and Partnerships Officer at Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) will provide an update on the National Financial Literacy Strategy of Canada. Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald, PhD FSA FCIA, Director of Financial Security Research, National Institute on Ageing and Eckler’s Resident Scholar, will share insights on how Canadians can get more from CPP. Eckler’s Roland Chiwetelu, Associate Director of Financial Wellness, will showcase how employers and sponsors can support their employees and members to make better financial decisions. Interested in joining us? Please reach out to Want to learn more about Eckler’s financial wellness solutions? If you would like to get on our mailing list for future events and thought leadership publications you can sign up here: #FinancialWellness #FinancialDecisions
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November is Financial Literacy Month! . This month, let’s break the silence around money! SWFIC proudly supports the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada | Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada (FCAC) campaign: “Money on your Mind. Talk about it!” . Did you know that many Canadians find it tough to discuss financial matters? Whether it’s personal debt or budgeting, conversations about money often feel taboo. But talking about finances can boost confidence and lead to better financial outcomes — especially for women! . Here are some tips to help you start the conversation and improve your financial literacy: . 1. Check Your Credit Score: Know where you stand financially! 2. Budget Together: Sit down with a friend or family member to share budgeting tips. 3. Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted financial advisor for guidance. 4. Participate in educational online webinars by Dress for Success Canada Foundation or The Credit Counselling Society |! . Join the #MoneyOnYourMind challenge on social media and share your experiences! Let’s support each other in building financial resilience and confidence. . Dress for Success Winnipeg . . . #FinancialLiteracyMonth #SWFIC #MoneyTalks #WomenAndFinance #FinancialConfidence #FLM2024
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Excellente synthèse des actualités fiscales en Algérie.
Avocat - Associé chez LPA Middle East et Fondateur de CLS&Strategy | DESS en Fiscalité de l'entreprise
Chers tous, J'ai le plaisir de partager avec vous un résumé des principales mesures introduites par la loi de finances pour 2025 qui vient d’être publiée. Par ailleurs, je profite de cette occasion pour vous souhaiter nos meilleurs vœux de bonheur et de réussite pour cette nouvelle année 2025. #CLS#LF2025#Algérie --------- Dear all, I'm pleased to share with you a summary of the main measures introduced by the Finance Act for 2025, which has just been recently published. In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best for happiness and success for the New Year 2025. #CLS#LF2025#Algeria
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Votre avenir financier me tient à cœur. Travaillons ensemble pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs.
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Honored to participate in the FCAC’s Financial Literacy Month panel, where we discussed the power of money conversations to break taboos and build confidence! Here are some insights from our discussion: 🔹 Financial Consumer Agency of Canada | Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada research shows that simply talking about money can boost confidence and encourage positive financial behaviors, especially among women. 🔹 Camille Beaudoin M.A., B.Sc.A. of Autorité des marchés financiers (Québec) emphasized the importance of making personal finance accessible, with AMF's campaigns aiming to raise interest and normalize money discussions across diverse audiences. 🔹 Millie Acuna from SEED Winnipeg Inc. shared her experience tailoring financial conversations for various communities, highlighting how storytelling breaks down barriers and fosters trust. 🔹 I shared insights on “loud budgeting,” where openly discussing financial goals helps people prioritize what truly matters without judgment. A huge thank you to Ruth Stephen, who did an incredible job moderating, and to Werner Liedtke, Sara Weller, and Emilie Rene for their fascinating insights throughout. Bravo to the FCAC for this innovative live event! As a takeaway, I encouraged everyone to start a small money conversation this month—whether with a friend, family member, or advisor. These simple conversations can be transformative, paving the way for financial empowerment. #FinancialLiteracyMonth #FinancialLiteracy #MoneyMatters #Empowerment #PanelDiscussion #MoneyWise
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November is Financial Literacy Month, and as a Banking Advisor, I want to share and highlight good practices to better your financial health. This year, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada | Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada ‘s campaign “Money on your Mind. Talk about it!”, aims to destigmatize the taboos surrounding conversations about money. The FCAC wants to spur Canadians to “doing one thing” to improve their financial confidence, as part of the #MoneyOnYourMind challenge, and I will share a prompt every week to inspire an action/conversation. To start talking about it: “Ask a friend their favourite way to save money.” Much like comparing notes to study and prepare for an exam, sharing savings strategies with a friend could inspire a new savings approach, perhaps better tailored for you, or your friend! Now tell me, what’s your favourite way to save money? #FinancialLiteracyMonth #FinancialLiteracy
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Honoré d'être certifié par l'IMF Institute ce 11.09.2024 (3) : * Statistiques des Finances Gouvernementales (GSFx) Ce cours de 40 heures, offert par le Département des statistiques du FMI, examine les éléments conceptuels et pratiques de la compilation et de la diffusion des statistiques fiscales gouvernementales selon les normes internationales, utiles pour évaluer l'impact des activités gouvernementales sur l'économie d'un pays et pour faciliter les comparaisons internationales. En outre, il m'a permi de découvrir l'apport analytique de ces statistiques à l'élaboration des politiques publiques et à la prise de décisions gouvernementales. #IMF #IMFInstitute #InternationalMonetaryFund #Statistics / Honored to be certified by the IMF Institute this 09/11/2024 (3): * Government Finance Statistics (GFSx) This 40-hour course, offered by the IMF’s Statistics Department, explores the conceptual and practical aspects of compiling and disseminating government fiscal statistics according to international standards, which are useful for assessing the impact of government activities on a country’s economy and facilitating international comparisons. Furthermore, it allowed me to discover the analytical contribution of these statistics to the development of public policies and government decision-making.
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Vous trouverez ci-annexé le rapport de gestion 2023 de la Caisse de pensions : A fin 2023, la CPCN enregistre une performance nette de 5.84% et un degré de couverture de 76.9%. Les bons résultats des placements durant l'exercice 2023 et le travail de consolidation des dernières années ont permis d'allouer un intérêt crédité favorable de 2.25% (2.6% en moyenne sur la période quinquennale). En l'espace de 5 ans, la Caisse a réduit de moitié le découvert par rapport à l'objectif légal de 80% (fixé en 2052) et préparé dûment le futur avec des provisions et réserves substantielles pour faire face à la volatilité des marchés et la baisse généralisée des rendements.
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#RBCSmallBiz To end the last day of Small Business Month in Canada and to recognize the engine that keeps Canada's economy running, Rami Aziz and I are honoured to be invited in speaking to the business owners in our community. The topic is on Business Succession Planning. We presented along the side of one a long-time accounting partner Harpreet Wadehra, CPA, CA with the RBC Business Market team. Some highlights from the event: 👉 Share sale vs. Asset Sale 👉 How to allow seller in claiming the life time capital gains exemption of $1.25MM? 👉 Things to consider when transitioning 👉 What are the (minimum 2 years prior) to ensure smooth transition? 👉 How to finance the deal and ensure a retirement 'pension' income stream? Thank you to the Business Market team! - Louise Spence, Aaron Yao Lu, Ayla Khan, Aaron-James A., Cesar Noriega, Cameron Bettam, Gustavo Novaes, Devansh Chaturvedi, Michael Wong, Tony Hoxhaj
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Sales Manager..
3 moisInteresting event