Nous sommes fier·e·s de voir nos collègues Giada Bertolini, Cristina Catalina Ortega, Matthias Jousseaume et Itsasne Murua Carbajo nous représenter aux Battery Innovation Days ! 💡🔋 Nos équipes présentent les projets innovants NEXTBAT project et ENERGETIC, contribuant à construire l’avenir des technologies durables. 🌍 Si vous êtes sur place, passez les rencontrer – une belle opportunité d’échanger sur l’innovation et la collaboration pour un futur plus vert. #InnovationWorks
Excited to announce that the NEXTBAT project is sharing a booth at the Battery Innovation Days alongside the EU-INGENIOuS cluster and other innovative EU projects we collaborate with! Our coordinator, Mikko Pihlatie, is here and looking forward to engaging with the diverse members of the battery ecosystem. We at Zabala Innovation France are also proud to be present to showcase the NEXTBAT project and share our vision for the future of battery innovation. If you’re attending #BID, don’t miss the chance to visit our booth, connect with us, and explore how collaboration is driving the next breakthroughs in sustainable energy. Let’s power the future together! #NEXTBAT #EUProjects #BatteryInnovation #Sustainability #Collaboration #Innovation Matthias Jousseaume Cristina Catalina Ortega