Ceux qui commettent des actes de violence au nom de la religion ne sont que des assassins. Moi, en tant qu’argentin, je ressens le besoin d'accompagner le peuple français dans ce moment difficile, le pays qui a donné asile à beaucoup de nos compatriotes pendant la dictature militaire. Liberté, égalité, fraternité.
Quienes cometen actos de violencia en nombre de la religión son simplemente asesinos. Yo como argentino siento la necesidad de acompañar al pueblo de Francia en este difícil momento, país que dio asilo a muchos de nuestros compatriotas durante la dictadura militar. Libertad, Igualdad y Fraternidad.
Those who commit acts of violence on behalf of religion are just murderers. As an Argentine, I feel the need to accompany the people of France in this difficult moment, the country that gave asylum to many of our countrymen during the military dictatorship. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.
Chief Engineer
9 ansAmen, thoughts and prayers for all of the victims no matter where the injuries happen,(France, Lebanon, where ever they may try to strike next). We need to forget religious hard liners and all take care of each other. Only as a united front can we fight the hate caused by people hiding behind a cause/front. Only a united world can cure this disease.