Vinod Goel

Chief Executive Officer at

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Dear Madam/Sir, Ref: B2B online Marketplace for International Trade Promoting Trade with India and with Bazaars across the world Promotional Limited period Offer Subscription on………………… is FREE Boost your Business;.... be there "As they say... If it is will be SOLD Be Visible 24x7x365 To sell Offline........ be Online… List three products/services/images...FREE Need more space? see our Business Plans once your are listed as Seller/Service provider. Buy leads from buyers on……….....................FREE POST YOUR BUY REQUIREMENT.......FREE If you are a buyer or sourcing from India /or anywhere else Bazaars of the world in one supermart B2B online Marketplace for agro products for international trade for FPO/farmers/manufacturers,Exporters/importer and services provider for all stack of services in export/import trade like shipping/logistics/Customs Agents/warehousing, certification &Trade Finance. We only promote seller/service provider listed on Buy/Sell in India and across the world" .......Be SEEN 24x7x365 ADVERTISE WITH US a picture= thousand words Do feel free to ask for any information; Regards Vinod Goel CEO

Céline Pires

Conseil en Propriété Industrielle ©️™️®️ Présidente du cabinet ARGYMARK

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