CLIMATVEG a republié ceci
🔉 News from #G4AE French Partners 🥇 Congratulations to Kevin Hélibert for taking first place in the French Grazing Award! His five-year-old perennial ryegrass and white clover pasture, expertly managed for both mowing and grazing, impressed the jury with: ✅ Low weed infestation for a rich, diverse flora ✅ Excellent infrastructure —well-maintained paths, water access, and agroforestry strips ✅ Resilient seed varieties ensuring high-quality grass during autumn calving season 👉 Kevin was selected among 10 other Breton candidates by a jury composed of two farmers, a forage advisor from the Chambre d'agriculture de Bretagne, and a grassland expert from the French Livestock Institute. 💡 The Parie sur ta prairie competition was created in 2021 by farmers from the Pays de la Loire as part of the CLIMATVEG project. Thank you to our Institut de l'Elevage (idele) partners, to Chambre d'agriculture de Bretagne and to CLIMATVEG! Visit our website: #Grazing #Agroecology