André Clodong

André Clodong

Independent consultant

View articles by André Clodong

The Trump saga must now end

The Trump saga must now end

30 juin 2020

1 j’aime1 commentaire

Time to take a look at a new Europe in the making

Time to take a look at a new Europe in the…

29 février 2020

Confusion about who is European

Confusion about who is European

1 février 2020

1 j’aime

The impact of Brexit viewed by the National Bank of Belgium

The impact of Brexit viewed by the National…

1 février 2020

Quelle Belgique pour demain?

Quelle Belgique pour demain?

5 novembre 2019

High Time to kill Brexit in Westminster where it belongs

High Time to kill Brexit in Westminster…

5 septembre 2019

A 20 percent flat rate is the right level of taxation, worldwide.

A 20 percent flat rate is the right level of…

21 août 2019

One Ireland, one day?

One Ireland, one day?

20 août 2019

Trump, Greenland and Russia

Trump, Greenland and Russia

17 août 2019

2 j’aime3 commentaires

Reconversion du site de Caterpillar: la SOGEPA agit-elle en bon père de famille?

Reconversion du site de Caterpillar: la…

20 mai 2019

Violence against women, then and now

Violence against women, then and now

13 mai 2019

Choisir entre pierres et ressources humaines?

Choisir entre pierres et ressources humaines?

9 mai 2019

Une douzaine de conseillers pour chaque ministre wallon? Chiche?

Une douzaine de conseillers pour chaque…

6 mai 2019

The brave new world of Brexit - revisited

The brave new world of Brexit - revisited

28 avril 2019

1 j’aime

China closes the door to recycling: an opportunity for Wallonia

China closes the door to recycling: an…

25 avril 2019

2 j’aime

Article about Trump first published on July 17, 2018

Article about Trump first published on July…

20 avril 2019



16 avril 2019

3 j’aime

Can Brexit be withdrawn?

Can Brexit be withdrawn?

11 avril 2019

Boeing must never again offer cheaper options when safety is involved

Boeing must never again offer cheaper…

30 mars 2019

1 j’aime

Has Number 10 become a Madhouse?

Has Number 10 become a Madhouse?

27 mars 2019
