Our past reports have found enterprise workers strapped for time and patience, and this year’s report reveals that demands on enterprise workers have only increased in the last year. While the vast majority of workers express an optimistic view of their work life, troubling trends in the number of hours spent at work and the prevalence of inter-team conflict have arisen—both of which threaten to undermine enterprises’ efforts to be more productive and, ultimately, more competitive. Here are the 10 biggest surprises from this year’s report…
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2016-17 U.S. State of Enterprise Work Report
1. What’s Happening in the American
10 of the biggest revelations from
Workfront’s 2016 State of
Enterprise Work Report
2. What’s Hurting U.S. Office Workers?
Our past reports have found enterprise workers strapped for time and patience, and this
year’s report reveals that demands on enterprise workers have only increased in the last
year. While the vast majority of workers express an optimistic view of their work life,
troubling trends in the number of hours spent at work and the prevalence of inter-team
conflict have arisen—both of which threaten to undermine enterprises’ efforts to be more
productive and, ultimately, more competitive. Here are the 10 biggest surprises from this
year’s report…
3. Finding #1: Email and meetings are leaving office workers with less time than ever to do
their primary job duties!
4. Between 2015 and 2016, time spent in email and meetings increased, cutting
dramatically into time for primary job duties.