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Showing posts from November, 2020

Yoshino’s daily life 26 (Jan. to Mar. in 1852、嘉永5年1月~3月)

   Western counties colonized Asian countries at that time. US fleet led by Commodore M. Perry came to Japan next year, it was the trigger of the end of the shogunate (Edo Bakuhu) . However, Yoshino family kept same lifestyle.  ペリー来航の一年前です。外国船の来航も頻繁ですが、千葉県流山市の吉野家では変わらぬ暮らしが続いています。   January (Villagers left for Ise) 、 1 月(村人が伊勢参りへ)  Ise has been the most popular pilgrimage destination . I'm eager to visit Ise, even just for once in my life. ” is a lyrics “ Ise dance song (Ise ondo) ” . Going to Ise Shrine was a people ’ s dream in the Edo period (1603 ~ 1868).  On the New Year’s Day, Kyujirou and Takesuke, who would leave for Ise, visited the master, and he gave them money. Farmers traveled to Ise in the winter which is an agricultural off-season . It’s cold, but I'm sure it was the most fun time in their lives.  I’ll show you the route to Ise below. People in the eastern Japan usually visited their lord in Edo (old name of Tokyo) and w...

Matsudo Museum (2)、 松戸市立博物館(2)

   There was a special exhibition about O-shishigari which was held four times in the Edo period (1603 ~ 1868) in my city. The shogun lead his samurais and went to Matsudo to hunt deer and so on. It demonstrated the authority of the shogunate (Edo Bakuhu or Tokugawa Bakuhu), and it was also a must-see event for people. I visited the exhibition and the lecture. Entrance of the special exhibition 、企画展入口  私が住んでいる松戸市の博物館で、 江戸時代の大イベント( お鹿狩り )の企画展 がありました。お鹿狩りは、徳川将軍が旗本御家人を引き連れて松戸に出向き、鹿などの害獣を狩る行事で、江戸時代に4回行われました。将軍家の権威を示すと同時に、庶民にとっては見逃せないイベントでした。企画展「松戸と徳川将軍の御鹿狩り」と講演会を紹介します。 Introduction of this museum、 博物館の紹介はこちら⇒  Matsudo Museum (1)  松戸市立博物館 (1)   Lecture: O-shishigari as a festival 、講演会:祝祭としてのお鹿狩り Lecturer Dr. Yukiko Tsubakida from Yokohama City University 、講師:椿田有希子氏(横浜市立大学) Outline 、概要  The event which was held in March 1849 was mentioned. Twenty-three thousand samurais and sixty-two thousand farmers joined the event, plus many viewers als...

Hamadera station gallery、浜寺公園駅駅舎

    When I was a pupil, I went to a Hamadera swimming school in Osaka during a summer vacation. I was looking forward to eating a hot croquette after the school. It was around 1970. Surprisingly enough, Hamadera station is the oldest one among the private railways. I knew it recently. The station building quit operation in 2016 because it will be renovated to an elevated rail station. The building is preserved as a café and gallery. 大阪府堺市の浜寺公園には水練学校があり、小学生の頃、夏休みに通っていました。帰りに肉屋さんの店頭で揚げているコロッケを食べるのが楽しみでした。 1970 年頃の話です。 その時に使っていた南海本線の浜寺公園駅が、何と日本最古の私鉄の駅だということです。線路が高架になったため、 2016 年に営業を終了しました。しかし、駅舎は保存され、 NPO の方々が運営されて、素敵なカフェ&ギャラリーになっています。驚きました。   It was built in 1907. K. Tatsuno, who designed Tokyo station, designed it, so it is written “the elder brother of Tokyo station”. 1907 年に建てられました。設計は、東京駅を設計した辰野金吾と大阪の片岡安(やすし)です。「東京駅の兄」と書かれていましたよ。 The right side of the station is a gallery which exhibits are changed regularly. When I visited, photos of the station building were...

Suzenji museum、鋳銭司郷土館(山口県)

    This museum is located at the home town of Masujiro Ohmura (1824-1869) who contributed to establish the army at that time. The place was also the mint in the ancient. I found the fun of Ohmura, but it is difficult to find the fun of ordinary people here.  幕末・明治初期に活躍した大村益次郎( 1824-1869 )の墓近くに建てられた博物館で、大村についての展示室と、平安時代の貨幣鋳造所(鋳銭司)跡から出土した遺物と貨幣の歴史の展示室があります。  人々の楽しみというか、出世していった大村の楽しみがありました。 The building on the left is an exhibition room about Ohmura and it on the right is about the mint and coins. 右側の八角形の建物が大村に関する展示室、左側が貨幣に関する展示室です。山陽線四辻駅から徒歩 30 分以上、防府へ行くバスもあります。 M. Ohmura 、大村益次郎 He studied the western style army only by books and western people. Then he organized the western style army and beat the  Shogun ‘s troops. I respect him, because he probably didn’t have chance to see a real western army in person. But he was assassinated when he was mid-forties. 大村は学問で身を立て、西洋風の強い軍を作りましたが、 40 代半ばで暗殺されました。農村医師の息子から兵部之輔(兵部省次官)に登りつめた時でした。西洋の本を見て話を聞いただけで、軍を作ってしまい...