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Showing posts from May, 2023

Matsue History Museum、松江歴史館

The museum is in front of Matsue Castle which is one of five castles designated as national treasure. I reckoned it showed us the history of “ samurai ”. Luckily enough, I misunderstood. It shows us people’s lifestyle especially in the Edo period (1603 ~ 1868) in which the castle played the role of the political center of the province. The exhibits suit to the theme this blog. 国宝松江城の前 にあるので、武家の歴史だけかと思いきや全く違いました。 人々(特に、松江に城ができた江戸時代)の暮しや楽しみがよく分かる博物館 でした。 The castle is in the city center. The city was developed around the castle. 松江城は町中にある平城です。 The museum (above) is at the opposite side of the castle across the moat. It was the site of a residence of a  karou  (chief retainer). 国宝松江城と堀を挟んだ家老屋敷跡に歴史館があります。 At the left side of the gate building,  festival equipment  is exhibited. The event is called Dou- gyouretsu  (procession). We can beat the big drums (right), which make strong and loud sound. 門の左側には 鼕(どう)行列の鼕宮(神輿、奥)と鼕台(山車屋台、手前) があります。鼕を叩けるようになっていて、腹に響く良い音...

Shimane Museum of Ancient Izumo (2/2)、古代出雲歴史博物館 part2

Part1 of this article:  Shimane Museum of Ancient Izumo (1/2) 、古代出雲歴史博物館 part1  Izumo Shrine and its legends Life in ancient Izumo (Izumo Fudoki) 、出雲国風土記の世界 Izumo Fudoki was issued in the 8 th  century  and was submitted to the emperor (Tennoh); it recorded the culture and geography of Izumo province. The exhibits recreate daily life back then . 出雲は、大和朝廷が諸国の様相を記録した風土記が残る 5 カ国のうちの一つです。古代の出雲、神々の話、人々の話が記されています。 風土記を基に、古代の人々の生活が模型で紹介 されています。 The model in front is Ohi Beach, and the market is displayed in behind. Seafoods and vegetables are sold. 手前が松江にあった大井浜の模型、奥は市の実物模型です。海産物や野菜が取売られていました。 The Fudoki told us resorts such as onsen (hot-spring) and mountains. People gathered at various spots; it’s same as the present lifestyle. 風土記には 温泉や山などの行楽地も記されています 。玉造温泉には老若男女が集まって楽しんでいました。今と変わりません。 The model shows an  ancient party  (utagaki/kagai) is exhibited. Ancient people often acted as a group;  young men and women went to party and picnic to find partner...

Shimane Museum of Ancient Izumo (1/2)、古代出雲歴史博物館 part1

Izumo in western Japan is very particular for Japanese . The myth about the deity (god) of Izumo is written in the oldest history book “Records of Ancient Matters” which was compiled by Japanese dynasty in the 8 th century. The Izumo deity transferred the ruling power to Amaterasu (deity) who was said to be the ancestor of emperor of Japan . The Izumo deity, whose name is Ohkuninusi, is enshrined at Izumo Shrine or Izumo Ohyashiro . The museum shows us not only the ancient era but also modern one, so we can know fun things of all eras. I’d like to show you Izumo Shrine at first which is next to the museum. 古代と名付けられていますが、 現代も紹介されています 。出雲地方の古代の楽しみ、現代の楽しみ、よく分かりました。 まずは、博物館の重要な展示テーマでもある出雲大社 (いずもたいしゃ、正式名称:いずもおおやしろ)を紹介します。博物館は出雲大社の隣りにあります。 There is a  large  tori  gate at the entrance .  I visited on the last day of the ritual, in which all deities in Japan gather . 出雲大社は大国主命を祭神とします。 訪問したのは全国の神々が集まる神在祭の最終日 でした。平日でしたがお参りが多かったと思います。 At the end of the long approach ...