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Nagaragawa Ukai Museum、長良川うかいミュージアム

 Nagaragawa (river) in Gifu Prefecture of central Japan is famous for cormorant fishing ( ukai ) . Fishermen train cormorants (birds) and take ayu fishes. They present fishes to the royal family; they presented to the shogun in the Edo period (1603 ~ 1868) . Therefore, the fishermen are government employees. Ordinary people enjoy watching the dynamic fishing show but it’s seldom to eat the ayu fishes. Movie of cormorant fishing: (70 seconds in total), (mainly fishing /45 seconds)  Fishing boats with bonfire are surrounded by sightseeing ones. Those are fun things to do for tourists.  篝火を焚く鵜飼いの舟の横に観覧船が集まります。    長良川といえば、鵜飼い、です。でも、それは庶民の日々の楽しみとは異なる伝統行事。天皇家、かつては将軍家へ届けるために品質の良い鮎を捕る、魅力的な行事です。そして鵜匠は宮内庁職員。ということで、地元の人は、岸から見物することがあっても、鵜飼いで捕れた鮎を口にするともないのようです。その地の人々というより旅行客の楽しみですね。    We can see Nagaragawa well from the lounge of the museum.  Ukai f...

Gifu City Museum of History、岐阜市歴史博物館

  Gifu City in central Japan is famous for Ukai (cormorant fishing) and Oda Nobunaga (feudal warlord, 1534-1582). Nobunaga stayed there only nine years, however, he made Gifu famous.; the city is designated as “Japan Heritage” (A Ruthless Warlord’s Spirit of Hospitality).  The museum displays many exhibits from the ancient period to the modern one. Although we can take photo at three sections only, I can understand how people lived when Nobunaga ruled.  Moreover, the planned exhibition “Back to the Retro Japan” showed us the lifestyle from the late 19 th to the mid-20 th centuries very well.   岐阜市といえば織田信長と鵜飼い ですね。信長が岐阜を拠点にしたのは9年間ですが、その存在は大きいです。  博物館には、原始から現代までの多くの展示品がありますが、撮影できるのは三つのコーナーでした。でも、人々の楽しみは見つかりました。また、撮影可能な企画展「ちょっと昔の道具たち」は家や店まで再現する大規模なもので、明治以降の生活の様子が伝わりました。  In the medieval era, the authorized lord of Mino province was Toki clan. Saitou Dousan overthrew it in the internal war time. Then,  Nobunaga defeated Saitou’s son; the model o...

Gifu Castle、岐阜城

 Gifu City is famous for Ukai (cormorant fishing) and Oda Nobunaga (feudal warlord, 1534-1582). Nobunaga was the very powerful war lord who tried to unify Japan during the internal war time. He is also famous as the hero of “Nobunaga's Ambition“ (video game). He moved his HQs from Nagoya to Gifu in 1567 . He stationed just nine years and moved to Azuchi ( Azuchicastle museum ) which is closer to Kyoto where the emperor resided. Many tourists who are interested in Nobunaga visit Gifu even until now. The city is designated as “Japan Heritage” (A Ruthless Warlord’s Spirit of Hospitality).  岐阜市の観光は織田信長と鵜飼いですね。 1567 年に尾張・清須城から拠点を移した信長が岐阜にいたのは9年間。でも、今も信長を慕って岐阜を訪ねる人は多いです。「『信長公のおもてなし』が息づく戦国城下町・岐阜」として、日本遺産の認定を受けています。   The photo above is the view of the  castle at dawn . Do you know where is the castle tower? It’s at the summit (329m) behind Nagara River. 日が昇る直前の岐阜城 です。天守閣がどこにあるか分かりますか? 長良川の向こうの金華山の山頂、標高 329 mにあります。  I crossed the river and took the photo abov...