Center for Participation and Development

Center for Participation and Development

Non-profit Organizations

Human Rights Organisation

About us

Center for Participation and Development is an NGO, which was created in 2012 by the group of the civil society activists, experts and public figures with different professional background from Georgia, US and Europe as an entity and in the meantime call for the new policy and practical approaches to the issues of tolerance, citizenship and diversity combining challenges and resources for the adequate development of the civil society in Georgia. CPD works with youth and minorities promoting civil integration and participation of vulnerable groups in decision-making processes, as well as the development of tolerant society in Georgia and in the Eastern Partnership region by raising the level of civic consciousness, harnessing advocacy skills among vulnerable groups, working on formal and non-formal education. Another important direction of work of CDP is protection of human rights defenders. CPD is a part of the Working Group on Tolerance and Non-Discrimination within the Civic Solidarity Platform. We are represented in the Public Working Group under the Ministry of Defense of Georgia, as well as the Working Group on Minority Issues at the Central Election Commission. CPD is a member of the Tolerance Council at the Office of the Public Defender of Georgia.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
11-50 employees


Employees at Center for Participation and Development


  • Empowering Civil Society in Georgia: The Center for Participation and Development ✍ We are the Center for Participation and Development (CPD), a Georgian NGO founded in 2012 by passionate civil society activists, experts, and public figures. Our mission is to drive positive change in Georgia and the Eastern Partnership region by promoting tolerance, civic participation, and the rights of vulnerable groups. 👉 What We Do: ▪ Youth and Minority Empowerment: We equip young people and minorities with the skills and knowledge to participate actively in decision-making processes and advocate for their rights. ▪ Tolerance and Diversity: We foster a more inclusive and tolerant society through education, awareness campaigns, and policy advocacy. ▪ Human Rights Defenders: We champion the safety and security of human rights defenders working on the frontlines of social change. 👉 Why We Matter: A strong civil society is essential for a thriving democracy. By empowering individuals and communities, we can build a more just, equitable, and prosperous Georgia. 👥 Join the Movement! We invite you to follow our journey as we work towards a brighter future for Georgia. Stay tuned for updates on our projects, events, and publications. #Tolerance #CivilSociety #Georgia #EasternPartnership #HumanRights

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  • 📢 ჩართულობისა და განვითარების ცენტრი უერთდება მიმდინარე გაფიცვას! 📢 (Geo/Eng) 🕒 დღეს, 15 იანვარს, ჩართულობისა და განვითარების ცენტრი (CPD) უერთდება საყოველთაო გაფიცვას, რომელიც სამართლიანობის, დემოკრატიისა და სოციალური სტაბილურობის მოთხოვნის ნიშნად იმართება. 📌 ჩვენ ვდგავართ ყველა იმ ადამიანის გვერდით, რომელმაც ხმა აიმაღლა სამოქალაქო უფლებების დაცვისთვის და ქვეყნის უკეთესი მომავლისთვის ბრძოლაში. 📌 დღევანდელი გაფიცვა გამოხატავს ჩვენს ერთობლივ ძალისხმევას და ღირებულებებს, რომლებიც ყოველდღიურ საქმიანობასა და მისწრაფებებში აისახება. 📢 The Center for Participation and Development (CPD) Joins the Nationwide Work Shutdown! 📢 🕒 Today, January 15, CPD stands in solidarity with the nationwide Work Shutdown and calls for justice, democracy, and social stability. 📌 We stand alongside everyone pausing their work to raise their voice to protect civil rights and the fight for a better future for our country. #იფიცებასაქართველო

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  • Geo/Eng 🌟 13 წელი ერთად! 🌟 📌დღეს ჩვენ სიამაყით აღვნიშნავთ ჩართულობის და განვითარების ცენტრის 13-წლიან წარმატებულ გზას. ეს წლები სავსე იყო გამოწვევებითა და მიღწევებით, რომლებმაც გაგვაძლიერა და დაგვაახლოა ჩვენს მიზნებთან. 🫶თქვენი მხარდაჭერის გარეშე ეს ყველაფერი შეუძლებელი იქნებოდა. გვინდა მადლობა გადავუხადოთ ჩვენ პარტნიორებს, მოხალისეებსა და საზოგადოების თითოეულ წევრს, ვინც ჩვენს გვერდით დგას და გვაძლიერებს. ჩვენ ვაგრძელებთ წინსვლას, ახალი იდეებით და იმედებით სავსე მომავალისკენ. 💙 🌟 Celebrating 13 Years of Impact! 🌟 📌Today, we proudly celebrate our 13-year journey of making a difference. Since 2012, we have worked tirelessly to promote inclusion, development, and civic engagement. We have overcome challenges, achieved milestones, and made strides toward a brighter future. 🫂This journey would not have been possible without the unwavering support of our partners, volunteers, and community. Thank you for believing in our mission and standing with us every step of the way. Here’s to even greater achievements and continued growth in the years ahead! 💙

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  • Happy New Year! 🌲 ❤️ The New Year is a time for fresh beginnings, hope, and joy, reminding us that each day brings new opportunities to spread kindness and achieve our dreams. The Center for Participation and Development (CPD) wishes you peace, prosperity, and success in 2025! Let’s work together to create a more inclusive, equitable, and joyful society.

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  • 📜 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations in 1948, reminds us that everyone has the right to equality, freedom, and a life of dignity. The values enshrined in this declaration – freedom, justice, and equality – continue to serve as a guiding light. 🌍 Today, we celebrate this day and connect it to our current reality – the ongoing events in Georgia. Now Georgian citizens are fighting to defend democracy, justice, and human rights. This struggle again reminds us that human rights are the foundation of our future.

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  • 📆 Today, December 9, we join the global community in commemorating the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime. 👉 This day is a solemn reminder to honor the memory of those who have suffered from one of the most heinous crimes in human history. It also calls upon all of us to strengthen our efforts to prevent such atrocities in the future. 📌 The Center for Participation and Development (CPD) remains committed to fostering tolerance, inclusion, and respect for human rights as essential tools for building a more peaceful and just world. Let us stand together against hate and violence, ensuring that the lessons of the past guide our actions for the future. #HumanRights #GenocidePrevention #DignityAndJustice #CPD #GlobalSolidarity

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  • 🍁 Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃 ❤ Today, we at the Center for Participation and Development (CPD) want to thank our American partners for their support and hard work. Your efforts to promote inclusion, teamwork, and positive change inspire us daily. 🤝 We are grateful for all you do to strengthen our communities and bring people closer. Wishing you and your loved ones a warm and joyful Thanksgiving! 🌟

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  • 🌍 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – November 25 ✍ Today, November 25, the world observes the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. This day reminds us of the urgent need to take meaningful actions to ensure the safety and rights of women everywhere. 👉 Violence against women remains one of the most pervasive and devastating issues, affecting not only individual lives but also the progress and well-being of entire societies. 📣 Remember, together, we can make a difference. Your voice against violence matters and is powerful! 💪 #WomensRights #EndViolenceAgainstWomen #CPD #HumanRights #StopViolence

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  • Eng/Geo 📣 ჩაერთეთ დისკუსიაში საქართველოს დემოკრატიის მომავალზე ბერლინში! 🇬🇪 📅 თარიღი: 21 ნოემბერი, 19:00 შეხვედრაზე ვისაუბრებთ საქართველოში მიმდინარე საპროტესტო მოძრაობებზე, სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების როლზე და საერთაშორისო მხარდაჭერის მნიშვნელობაზე. სარეგისტრაციო ლინკი: 🌍 Join Us in Berlin: Discussing the Future of Democracy in Georgia 📅 When: 21 November, 19:00 📍 Where: @refugioberlin, Lenaustraße 3–4, 12047 Berlin Protests in #Georgia have gained momentum following the October 26 elections, with citizens challenging not only the results but also government policies that mirror Russia’s “foreign agent” laws and anti-LGBTIQ legislation. This is your opportunity to hear from inspiring speakers including: 🔹 Giorgi Marjanishvili, Center for Participation and Development (CPD) @civic_solidarity 🔹 Giorgi Rodionov, founder of Tbilisi’s queer and feminist art space for the South Caucasus 🔹 Other experts on democracy and human rights Together, we’ll explore how the international community, especially civil society in Germany, can stand in solidarity with Georgia during these critical times. 📝 Registration closes on 20 November. To secure your spot: Register here We look forward to seeing you there! 🇬🇪✨

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  • Eng/Geo ✍️ჩართულობის და განვითარების ცენტრი (CPD) მხარს უჭერს საქართველოში უფლებადამცველებისა და აქტივისტების გაძლიერებას! 🤝თუ თქვენ ხართ უფლებადამცველი ან აქტივისტი და გჭირდებათ მხარდაჭერა ან გაძლიერება, ჩვენ შეგვიძლია დაგეხმაროთ შემდეგი მიმართულებებით: 👇 📌 ფსიქოლოგიური მხარდაჭერა 📌 ციფრული უსაფრთხოების შესახებ კონსულტაცია 📌 ფიზიკური უსაფრთხოების კონსულტაცია 📌 უსაფრთხოების კუთხით, მცირე გრანტების მოპოვებაში დახმარება 🛡️ჩვენ მზად ვართ, თქვენს გვერდით დავდგეთ! 📢დახმარების მისაღებად ან დამატებითი ინფორმაციისთვის, მოგვწერეთ პირად შეტყობინებაში ან დაგვიკავშირდით ელ. ფოსტაზე: 📩 წერილში მიუთითეთ, კონკრეტულად რომელი მიმართულებით გჭირდებათ მხარდაჭერა. ✍️Center for Participation and Development (CPD) supports the empowerment of human rights defenders and activists in Georgia! If you are a human rights defender or activist in need of support or empowerment, we can assist you in the following areas: 👇 📌Psychological support 📌Digital security consultations 📌Physical security consultations 📌Assistance in obtaining small grants for security needs 🛡️We are here to stand by you! 📢To request assistance or for more information, feel free to message us privately or contact us via email at 📩 Please indicate in your email the specific area where you need support.

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