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Georgian Ecotourism Association

Georgian Ecotourism Association

Non-profit Organizations

Tbilisi, Tbilisi 153 followers

Closer to the Nature

About us

NLP Georgian Ecotourism Association is a non-business legal entity based on membership. The organization was founded in 2012. Its main activity is promoting the development of ecotourism in Georgia through the creation of new ecotourism products. The organization takes care of the development of tourism products, so as to reduce the negative impact on the environment and bring benefits to the local population living in the regions of Georgia. The main goal of the association is to develop ecological tourism products in local communities and increase the self-activity of the population, to improve their socio-economic status and protect the environment, which is achieved as follows With the activities that we carry out: Environmental tourism lobbying at the state level and in society. Promotion and implementation of ecological tourism as a direction of tourism that is safe for the environment. Promoting the development of sustainable tourism and lobbying for legislation. Involvement of local communities in the protection of the biological or cultural heritage of the environment. In order to improve the socio-economic condition of local communities, promoting the creation of ecotourism products focused on the protection of the environment and cultural heritage. Research of Georgia’s ecotourism potential, inventory of resources, and promotion in the local and international markets. Development of regional cross-border ecotourism network. In the direction of ecological tourism, implementation of educational projects for different age categories and awareness raising. Continuous consulting support in the direction of sustainable tourism for local communities in the regions of Georgia. Implementation of ecotourism standards. Promoting the development of the network of protected areas in Georgia. Promoting the sustainable development of agricultural farms of the rural population through the development of agro and ecotourism.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees
Tbilisi, Tbilisi
tourism, research, ecotourism, protected areas, project management, trainings, and hospitality


Employees at Georgian Ecotourism Association


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    🔹On February 10, Helvetas' #LEDP held a working meeting with tour operators. The meeting aimed to discuss the needs of businesses and tourism service providers operating around #Kolkheti National Park, explore ways to strengthen them, and assess opportunities for attracting #investment. 📌During the meeting, tourism expert Nato ( Natalia) Bakhtadze Engländer provided insights into the process of creating services for tour operators and strategies for addressing the needs of local service providers. 🌱🛶#LEDP continues its efforts to research and support initiatives that enhance the #tourism potential of the area surrounding Kolkheti National Park. 🔗

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  • 📌"საქართველოს ეკოტურიზმის ასოციაცია“ მუშაობს პროექტზე „საქართველოში მწვანე მარშრუტების ქსელის შექმნა და ეკოტურიზმის განვითარების ხელშეწყობა ლანჩხუთის, თიანეთისა და ახმეტის მუნიციპალიტეტებში“, რომელიც დაფინანსებულია შვეიცარიის განვითარებისა და თანამშრომლობის სააგენტოს (SDC) მიერ, პროექტის “საქართველოში ტყის სექტორის რეფორმის განხორციელების ხელშეწყობა - ECO.Georgia”-ს ფარგლებში. პროექტი ხორციელდება გერმანიის საერთაშორისო თანამშრომლობის საზოგადოების (GIZ) მხარდაჭერით. 🎯პროექტი მიზნად ისახავს: ✅ჯანსაღი ცხოვრების წესის წახალისებას ✅მუნიციპალიტეტის ვიზიტორებისთვის გამოცდილების შექმნას, ეკოტურიზმის მიმართულებით ✅ადგილობრივი მოსახლეობის სოციალურ-ეკონომიკური პირობების გაუმჯობესებას ✅მუნიციპალიტეტების ისტორიული და კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის პოპულარიზაციას 📝პროექტის პირველი ეტაპი უკვე განხორციელდა, რაც მოიცავდა თითოეულ მუნიციპალიტეტში ვიზიტს და სერვისის მომწოდებლების კვლევას. ამჟამად მიმდინარეობს მწვანე მარშრუტების არეალების პროექტირება. 📌 Georgian Ecotourism Association implementing the project “Creation the network of Green Routes in Georgia and encouragement of ecotourism development in Lanchkhuri, Tianeti and Akhmeta Municipalities”. The project is financed by the Swiss Cooperation Office (SDC) in the framework of the project “Facilitating the implementation of forest sector reform in Georgia- Eco Georgia” with assistance of GIZ. 🎯The project is aimed to: ✅Encourage a healthy lifestyle; ✅Create an ecotourism experiences in the municipalities; ✅Improve the socio-economic level of local communities; ✅Promote the historical and cultural heritage sites in the municipalities. 📝The first phase of the project has been implemented, which included visits in target municipalities and research of tourism service providers. Currently GEA works on marking projects of the green routes. #GEAwork #geogreenways

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  • 📣 საქართველოს ეკოტურიზმის ასოციაციამ, ევროკავშირისა და გერმანიის ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით, პროექტ CESL - ის ფარგლებში, რომელსაც ახორციელებს GIZ - ი, დაიწყო პროექტის, “ოდა სახლების კულტურული მარშრუტი”-ს განხორციელება საქართველოს სამ რეგიონში: იმერეთი, გურია, რაჭა-ლეჩხუმი. 🔴 პროექტი მიზნად ისახავს კოლხური ოდა სახლების, როგორც გამორჩეული ტრადიციული საცხორვისების შენარჩუნებას და პოპულარიზაციას ტურიზმში ინტეგრირების გზით. კერძოდ, შეიქმნება ოდა სახლების კულტურული მარშრუტი, რომელიც ვიზიტორებს ოდაზე დაფუძნებულ ტურისტულ მომსახურებებს შესთავაზებს - განთავსებას, კვებას, აგროტურისტულ აქტივობებსა, რეწვის მასტერკლასებს და სხვ. ✅პროექტით გათვალისწინებულია ბენეფიციართა ფინანსური და ტექნიკური მხარდაჭერა, რათა უკეთ შეძლონ პოზიციონირება და უზრუნველყონ მდგრადი კულტრული პროდუქტების შეთავაზება ადგილობრივი თუ საერთაშორისო ვიზიტორებისთვის. ✴️აღსანიშნავია, რომ ტრადიციული საცხოვრისების გაცოცხლებით კულტურული ტურისტული მარშრუტის შექმნის იდეა სიახლეა ქართული ტურიზმის ინდუსტრიისთვის და ემსახურება მათ დაცვასა და შენარჩუნებასთან ერთად რეგიონის ეკონომიკურ გაძლიერებას. 📣 The Georgian Ecotourism Association, with the financial support of the European Union and Germany, in the framework of the project CESL, which is implemented by GIZ, has started the implementation of the project “Oda Houses Cultural Route” in the Imereti, Guria and Racha-Lechkhumi regions. 🔴 The project aimed to preserve and promote traditional Georgian dwellings such as Oda houses by integration in the tourism industry. In particular, will be created the Oda houses cultural route uniting Oda-based tourism offers, such as guest houses, agritourism farms, craft workshops and etc. ✅The project is tended to encourage beneficiaries with the financial and technical assistance, for their better positioning and provision sustainable cultural tourism products to domestic and international visitors. ✴️It should be mentioned that survival of traditional Georgian dwellings by the development of cultural tourist route is a new concept for the Georgian tourism industry and serves to preserve and promote their value as well as strengthening regional economy. #GEA #GIZ

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  • For Engliah scroll down ⬇️ 🧰 პროექტის „ტვიშისა და ხვანჭკარას მიკროზონებში მწვანე ტურიზმის ხელშეწყობა კომპლექსური ტურისტული პროდუქტის შექმნის გზით“ ფარგლებში კვლავ რაჭასა და ლეჩხუმს ვეწვიეთ. 📸 ამჯერად ფოტოგრაფებთან ერთად, რაჭა-ლეჩხუმის ულამაზესი გარემოს და არსებული მწვანე ტურისტული ბიზნესების მომსახურების აღსაბეჭდად. 📽აღნიშნული პროექტის ფარგლებში ასევე მიმდინარეობს ორივე მიკროზონისთვის პრომოვიდეო რგოლების შექმნა, რომელსაც ახლო მომავალში შემოგთავაზებთ. 🤝პროექტი ხორციელდება სლოვაკეთის რესპუბლიკის განვითარების ოფიციალური დახმარების პროგრამის ხელშეწყობით, Slovak-Georgian Chamber of Commerce Regionálna rozvojová agentúra Senec-Pezinok ---------------------------------------------------- 🧰In the framework of the project „Promoting green tourism by creation of a complex tourism product in Tvishi and Khvanchkara microzones“, GEA team again visited Racha-Lechkhumi Region for photo and video shooting. 📽Project also considers creating two promo videos on Khvanchkara and Tvishi microzones to reflect the picturesque environment and local green tourism enterprises. 🤝The project is supported by SLOVAKAID Project partners are: Regionálna rozvojová agentúra Senec-Pezinok Slovak-Georgian Chamber of Commerce

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  • #MondayMotivation Did you know? 🌍 July is the month of fight against plastic! 🌿 ♻️Plastic waste is a massive problem for our planet; it harms wildlife, pollutes the ocean, soil, and air, and has a negative impact on human health. ✅ Here are some simple ways you can join us and do your part to protect the environment: ◼ Say no to single-use plastics: Replace single-use items like plastic bags, utensils, and water bottles with reusable alternatives. ◼ Choose sustainable products: Whenever possible, select products with minimal or recyclable packaging. ◼ Spread the word: Share facts and tips about reducing plastic consumption on social media to inspire others to join the movement. ◼ Get involved in activities: Participate in cleanups or support businesses and initiatives that prioritize eco-friendly practices. Small changes can have a big impact on our environment! Let's work together to create a cleaner, greener future. 🌍 💚 #AntiPlasticMonth #ReduceReuseRecycle #GoGreen

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  • 📢 "Inorganic Natural Monuments of Georgia": Episode #6 🏞 📍 We have had a long break, but we continue our very interesting and necessary program cycle and offer the 6th episode, about the inorganic natural monuments of Georgia, on our YouTube channel. ➡️ In episode #6, Ilia will tell you about Dashbashi Canyon Nature Monument and introduce you to our featured member Edis Dacha 📍Don't forget that every week, the next episode of the podcust will be posted, so subscribe our YouTube channel and follow 📎 Ilia Okromelidze #GEAwork #Naturalmonuments

  • 🧰GEA projects 🌿 "Georgian Ecotourism Association" is working on the next project "Development of Green Economy and Energy in Rural Areas (Green CAUCASUS)", which is implemented with the financial support of CENN and ADC (Austrin Development Cooperation). 📍 The goal of the project is to increase the possibilities of eco-tourism in the territory of the Kisishkevi catchment basin, on the Kisishkevi-Shalauri and Tsinandali-Kvemo Khodashen trails. 🗺️ The following activities have already been carried out within the project: 🔍 Research of the tourism potential of the project area; 📊 Assessment of the local tourism business sector to identify gaps in the tourism value chain; 🖇 Meetings with interested parties to consider their interests and vision. 📌 The final result of the project will be the offers of new alternative tourism products and the development vision of complex tourism developed for the area. All this will contribute to the promotion of the mentioned villages and the diversification of tourist products, which in turn will strengthen the economic development in rural areas. #geaproject #GreenCAUCASUS #CENN #ADC

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  • 📢 New Wine routes brand 🍷 🟢In the framework of the project “Promoting green tourism by creation of a complex tourism product in Tvishi and Khvanchkara microzones”, prepared a representative brand for Georgian wine terroirs. The brand provides a unique identity for each terroirs according to the key characteristics. 🍷The brand has been developed from: 🔸️Joint conceptualization - A representative brand was prepared for hiking trails, targeted to Georgian terroirs. It emphasizes core values and identity of each microzone. 🔸️The goal - Emphasizing the individual characteristics of each terroirs and promoting their identity under the one “Umbrella” brand. 🍷📃 Values of Tvishi Microzone: ▪️The highest and the smallest terroir of Georgia; Mysticisme of Khvamli Mountain- Legends and stories among locals; ▪️Viticulture and winemaking as main agricultural activity and source of income for the local community. 🍷Description of Tvishi logotype: ▪️The main background emphasizes the distinctiveness of Georgia as a wine country, with the visualisation of winemaking vessel Qvevri; ▪️ In the unified logo of the trail is integrated the mystical Khvamli mountain and vineyards of Tsolikouri grapes on the village slopes. ▪️The colors of the composition represents the color of Tsolikouri grapes; ▪️The title of the route is written in Georgian and English letters. The project is financed by SLOVAKAID

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  • 🟩 GEA for members 🟢 One of the important roles and goals of our association is to be the voice of ecotourism businesses in dealing with both the national and local public sector. For this, we inform our members about all important changes and advocate-lobby their interests. 📍 For this purpose, we met with tour operators and guides, members of the association, and discussed various important issues, including legislative changes that affect tourism. 📍 Inter-sector communication is the foundation of sustainable development of tourism and the goal of our association is to make this foundation solid. P.S. In order to become a member of the association, you must fill out an application on the link: 9D%E1%83%91%E1%83%90/

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  • 🟢 Member from Guria 🌅🌄 🤝 Today we will move from the separate eastern region of Georgia - to the west - and introduce you to another interviewed member of the association in Taberne Guria - Atsana. 📍The object is located in Lanchkhuti, village in Atsana. Its founders, Mrs. Keso Makharadze, preserved the old house and traditions of their ancestors. He has collected the top ethnographic material in the tabernacle and introduces these feelings to the guests with a wonderful, gurulike surprise and hospitality.  🏠 Taberna in Guria offers traditional cooking master classes, including such a distinctive and characteristic dish as "brinjula" and at the same time tries to empower other women living in rural areas around it.  🌿🌷In short, spring is already blooming outside and if you decide that you need a delicious vacation, know that Guria's sun and Ms. Keso will welcome you with great warmth and love. ☺️ 📩For detailed equipment and to book a visit, you can contact: ➡️Facebook page: Taberne in Guria - Atsana • Taberne in Guria - Atsana ➡️ email Mail: ➡️Phone: +995 599 92 30 28

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