Cover art for Spielt nicht mit uns (Instrumental) by CAPO

Spielt nicht mit uns (Instrumental)

Track 32 on Alles auf Rot 


SOTT, Veteran &
Jul. 7, 20171 viewer

Spielt nicht mit uns (Instrumental) Lyrics

This song is an instrumental

How to Format Lyrics:

  • Type out all lyrics, even repeating song parts like the chorus
  • Lyrics should be broken down into individual lines
  • Use section headers above different song parts like [Verse], [Chorus], etc.
  • Use italics (<i>lyric</i>) and bold (<b>lyric</b>) to distinguish between different vocalists in the same song part
  • If you don’t understand a lyric, use [?]

To learn more, check out our transcription guide or visit our transcribers forum


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Phonographic Copyright ℗
Mastering Engineer
Mixing Engineer
Released on
July 7, 2017
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