THE GHOST~POP TAPE is the final album under the name Devon Hendryx before moving on to a whole different category, JPEGMAFIA, to where his political, abrasive and experimental side came.
JPEGMAFIA made a tweet about remastering the whole album and has mentioned about it in a interview.
The remastered version of THE GHOST~POP TAPE has compressed kicks, slightly faster songs including HBK, Porn For Percussion, and a few more, parts removed from the original version like the background noise of God Bless My Homegirls, and more noticeable things.
The album also had a movie where it included sex scenes, random anime scenes, a random video of Shawn Michaels, and more where that came from. It also includes lots and lots of distortion when visualizing the whole movie (or whatever the fuck is going on in the movie). It was originally on Xvideos, but then got removed for an unknown reason and you can find it on Internet Archive.
It was originally uploaded onto Xvideos, but it was later removed and then republished onto the Internet Archive.