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About “Matangi”

The much-anticipated fourth studio album form M.I.A.

The album title “Matangi”, which is also MIA’s government name, is the Hindu goddess of music and learning. After three albums that play like an introspective trilogy, Maya told FADER that

“In Hinduism, the concept of Maya is about illusion: separating truth from lies. There are people that can tell what’s what, people that can overcome lies; there are people that don’t get it. Maya works like a tunnel, not a destination. All the images associated with that album were like a tunnel. The thing you get to after the tunnel, that’s what Matangi was to me. A space to bring all the discussions I started with the last three albums and park them. /\/\/\Y/\’s driving through the corridor; Matangi is the parking place.

Get Matangi on iTunes now!

“Matangi” Q&A

What is the most popular song on Matangi by M.I.A.?
When did M.I.A. release Matangi?

Album Credits

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