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Face Value

Phil Collins

About “Face Value”

The debut album of the then-Genesis singer at the time. Some songs like Don’t Lose My Number were recorded for this album but eventually released years later with the famous album No Jacket Required.

The album was reissued, with bonus tracks included, on 29 January 2016. The reissued version’s cover art is taken in the same fashion as the original’s, except it features a present-day Collins instead.

“Face Value” Q&A

  • what has the artist said about the album?

    According to website Unmask Us, Phil explained in an unquoted interview:

    Actually, Both Sides was a more intensely personal album than Face Value. I’d come off the most personal thing of my life [breaking up with his second wife, Jill Tavelman – Ed] with Both Sides. Face Value, well, by the time that album came out I’d met someone else [Jill -Ed], so it was a coming out of the darkness into the sunshine album, whereas Both Sides is a very, very blue album. I had played every instrument on it, did everything myself, and I didn’t know if I could go back to compromising and discussing things again. That’s what sealed my departure from Genesis.

What is the most popular song on Face Value by Phil Collins?
When did Phil Collins release Face Value?

Album Credits

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