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Andrew Ridgeley

AKA: Andrew John Ridgeley

About Andrew Ridgeley

In 1981, Andrew Ridgeley co-founded (along with George Michael) the ‘80s British pop sensation, Wham!. The duo went on to sell over 28 million records from 1982 to 1986. After Wham’s breakup in 1986, Ridgeley released one solo album: 1990’s Son of Albert. The album enjoyed very limited success and CBS passed on the option of a second album from Ridgeley.

After brief stints working as a Formula Three driver in Monaco and acting in Los Angeles, Ridgeley and his long-time partner, Keren Woodward of Bananarama, moved back to the UK in 1990. They live near Cornwall in a restored 15th century converted barn property. He remains out of the spotlight of the music world, but is an avid bicyclist and participates in many charity rides.
