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Dexter Holland

AKA: Bryan Holland, Bryan K. Holland, and Bryan Keith Holland

About Dexter Holland

Bryan Keith Holland is quite well known as the class valedictorian of the 1984 class of Pacifica High School of Garden Grove, California (Home of the Mariners to its alumni) and as a Bachelor of Science recipient for Biology and a Master of Science recipient for Molecular Biology from the University of Southern California (Home of the Trojans) or as a Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular Biology awarded by the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California where he was supervised by Professor Suraiya Rasheed. He is perhaps better known amongst the general populace as the lead songwriter and singer of The Offspring.

In this non-biological, musical context, Holland co-founded a band in 1983 with his friend Greg K. called Manic Subsidal where he drummed. He soon switched to guitar and vocals and in 1985, the band chose the new name of The Offspring. In 1989, they released their first full length album The Offspring. They have gone on to release 10 full length albums, 4 EPs, and 2 compilation albums all featuring Holland.

Of course, one can’t ignore Holland’s research into and eventual release of Gringo Bandito Hot Sauce
