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EL Waili - الوايلي

AKA: Kareem Gaber - كريم جابر and Kareem EL Waili - كريم الوايلي

About EL Waili - الوايلي

El Waili is the art name of the music producer Kareem Gaber, born in Upper Egypt, Sohag. Kareem started his music career experimenting with different genres of music. Soon Kareem started El Waili project in 2020 with a track named 2010 to place his mark in the electro chaabi/EDM music scene.
Kareem’s concept with El Waili’s started by deconstructing the urban noises and the social context of Egypt’s neighborhoods to present a perspective and a feeling of the experience. El Waili has released 30 singles featuring artists in the trap, pop, rap, mahraganat, and electro chaabi scene.
He also released his first album, TokTok El Waili in February 2021, including ten singles that
Kareem produced as a sonic diary of his thoughts during his stay at El Waili neighborhood in
And one the his biggest hits was العبد والوايلى and it was a remix of the song العبد و الشيطان By Mahmoud El Husiny
