blob: 79261e52f53839afa5fe02d351ca5662eb860c72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Guided Tour to help users make their first edit.
// Designed to work on any Wikipedia article, and can work for other sites with minor message changes.
( function ( gt ) {
const editSectionSelector = '.mw-editsection-visualeditor';
let pointSavePageStep = null;
function shouldShowForPage() {
// Excludes pages outside the main namespace and pages with editing restrictions
// Should be 'pages that are not in content namespaces'.
// However, the list of content namespaces isn't currently exposed to JS.
return ( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalNamespace' ) === '' && mw.config.get( 'wgIsProbablyEditable' ) );
// If we shouldn't show it, don't initialize the guiders
if ( !shouldShowForPage() ) {
function hasEditSection() {
return $( editSectionSelector ).length > 0;
function handleVeChange( transitionEvent ) {
let isSaveButtonDisabled;
if ( transitionEvent.type === gt.TransitionEvent.MW_HOOK ) {
if ( transitionEvent.hookName === 've.toolbarSaveButton.stateChanged' ) {
isSaveButtonDisabled = transitionEvent.hookArguments[ 0 ];
if ( !isSaveButtonDisabled ) {
return pointSavePageStep;
return gt.TransitionAction.HIDE;
const hasEditSectionAtLoadTime = $( editSectionSelector ).length > 0;
const editPageDescription = mw.message(
$( '#ca-edit a' ).text()
const editSectionDescription = mw.message(
mw.message( 'editsection' ).parse()
const tour = new gt.TourBuilder( {
name: 'firsteditve',
showConditionally: 'VisualEditor'
} );
tour.firstStep( {
name: 'intro',
titlemsg: 'guidedtour-tour-firstedit-edit-page-title',
description: editPageDescription,
position: 'bottom',
attachTo: '#ca-ve-edit',
buttons: [ {
action: hasEditSectionAtLoadTime ? 'next' : 'okay',
onclick: function () {
if ( hasEditSection() ) {;
} else {
} ],
allowAutomaticNext: false,
allowAutomaticOkay: false
// Tour-level listeners would avoid repeating this for two steps
} ).listenForMwHooks( 've.activationComplete', 've.toolbarSaveButton.stateChanged' )
.transition( handleVeChange )
.next( 'editSection' );
tour.step( {
name: 'editSection',
titlemsg: 'guidedtour-tour-firstedit-edit-section-title',
description: editSectionDescription,
position: 'right',
attachTo: editSectionSelector,
width: 300
} ).listenForMwHooks( 've.activationComplete', 've.toolbarSaveButton.stateChanged' )
.transition( ( transitionEvent ) => {
if (
transitionEvent.type === gt.TransitionEvent.BUILTIN &&
) {
return gt.TransitionAction.HIDE;
} else {
return handleVeChange( transitionEvent );
} )
.back( 'intro' );
pointSavePageStep = tour.step( {
name: 'pointSavePage',
titlemsg: 'guidedtour-tour-firstedit-save-title',
descriptionmsg: 'guidedtour-tour-firsteditve-save-description',
attachTo: '.ve-ui-toolbar-saveButton',
position: 'bottomRight',
closeOnClickOutside: false
} ).listenForMwHooks( 've.deactivationComplete' )
.transition( () => {
if ( !gt.isEditing() ) {
return gt.TransitionAction.END;
} );
}( mw.guidedTour ) );