Media development, press freedom and journalism support events

GFMD’s calendar of conferences, festivals, forums, meetings, and other events related to media development, journalism, journalism support, free expression, digital rights, press freedom and related subjects is updated every week.

If you would like us to add the event that we missed to the calendar, please email us at

Every month the GFMD Secretariat shares a list of upcoming events via our members-only email list. If you work for a member of the Global Forum for Media Development, simply send an email to and we will add you to the group. The GFMD mailing list enables you to share resources, calls for collaboration, search for partners, and find other relevant information directly with all other GFMD members. You will also receive a monthly digest from the GFMD Secretariat about how you can participate in GFMD’s policy, learning, and advocacy activities.

Subscribe to the GFMD Members email list here


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