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Terraform module for Google BackupDR components


The terraform-google-cloud-backup-dr module will help users to provision the backup/recovery appliances for their projects and integrate that with the Backup DR management console. Using this module now users can automate the prerequisites of having a backup/recovery appliance in place required for using Google Backup DR management console.

The resources/services/activations/deletions that this module will create/trigger are:

  • Create backup/recovery appliance for backupDR in given GCP projects


To deploy this blueprint you must have an active billing account and billing permissions.



Basic usage of this module is as follows:

module "backup_dr_appliance" {
  source  = "GoogleCloudPlatform/backup-dr/google//"
  version = "0.2.0"

  ba_project_id = "gcp-project-01"
  region        = "us-central1"
  zone          = "us-central1-a"

  vpc_host_project_id = "gcp-project-01"
  network             = "custom-network"
  subnet              = "custom-network"

  ms_project_id              = "gcp-project-01"
  management_server_endpoint = ""
  ba_name                    = "backup-recovery-appliance"
  ba_appliance_type          = "STANDARD_FOR_COMPUTE_ENGINE_VMS"
  create_ba_service_account  = true
  assign_roles_to_ba_sa      = true
  ba_registration            = true
  firewall_source_ip_ranges  = [""]
  network_tags               = []
  labels                     = {
    managed-by = "terraform"

Functional examples are included in the examples directory.


Name Description Type Default Required
assign_roles_to_ba_sa Flag to assign the necessary roles to the backup/recovery appliance service account. bool n/a yes
ba_appliance_type Specify appliance type that you want to deploy. Supported appliance types are: [ "STANDARD_FOR_COMPUTE_ENGINE_VMS" , "STANDARD_FOR_DATABASES_VMWARE_VMS" ] string n/a yes
ba_name Provide a name for the backup/recovery appliance. The name will be suffixed with four random characters. string n/a yes
ba_project_id Provide the project ID where you want to deploy the backup/recovery appliance. string n/a yes
ba_registration Flag to register the backup/recovery appliance with the management console. We recommend changing it to false, once the appliance is successfully registered. string "true" no
ba_service_account Use this if you want to use an existing service account with the backup/recovery appliance. This variable will be ignored if the create_ba_service_account variable is set to true. A unique service account should be used for each new BA deployment else deployment will fail. string "none" no
boot_image Provide the boot image for backup/recovery appliance. Don’t modify this variable to update or upgrade the appliance version. You can upgrade the appliance only through the Backup and DR Service management console. string "projects/backupdr-images/global/images/sky-11-0-14-278" no
create_ba_service_account Flag to create a service account for backup/recovery appliance. bool n/a yes
firewall_source_ip_ranges Provide the IP ranges to allow the firewall communication between the management console, the appliance, and other subnets where workloads need to be backed up. list(string) [] no
labels A set of key-value label pairs to be assigned to the deployed backup/recovery appliance. map(string) {} no
management_server_endpoint Provide a management console endpoint URL. For example, string n/a yes
ms_project_id Provide the project ID where you want the management server resides in. string n/a yes
network Provide a network which the appliance will be part of. string n/a yes
network_tags Provide the network tags for backup/recovery appliance VM. These tags allow you to apply firewall rules and routes to a specific instance or set of instances. list(string) [] no
region Provide a region where you want to deploy a backup/recovery appliance. string n/a yes
subnet Provide a network subnet which the appliance will be part of. string n/a yes
vpc_host_project_id Provide the VPC host project ID. In case of a non-shared (dedicated) VPC, this will be the same as the backup/recovery appliance project ID. In case of shared VPC, this will be the project ID of the host VPC project. string n/a yes
zone Provide a zone within the selected region where you want to deploy a backup/recovery appliance. string n/a yes


Name Description
ba_name Name of the backup/recovery appliance provided as input.
ba_project_id Project where backup/recovery appliance is deployed.
ba_randomised_name The randomised name of backup/recovery appliance
ba_service_account The service account used with the backup/recovery appliance.
instance_ip_addr The private IP address of the backup/recovery appliance.
zone Zone where the backup/recovery appliance is deployed.


These sections describe requirements for using this module.


The following dependencies must be available:

  • [Terraform][terraform] v0.13
  • [Terraform Provider for GCP][terraform-provider-gcp] plugin v3.0


The terraform module will take care of enabling the required APIs to function the terraform module.

  • Google Cloud Compute JSON API:
  • Google Cloud Resource Manager JSON API:
  • Google Cloud KMS JSON API:
  • Google Cloud IAM JSON API:
  • Google Cloud Logging JSON API:


Refer to the contribution guidelines for information on contributing to this module.

Security Disclosures

Please see our security disclosure process.
