Official Code for ICDM 2022 paper: Privacy-Preserving Split Learning via Patch Shuffling over Transformers.
Dixi Yao, Liyao Xiang, Hengyuan Xu, Hangyu Ye, Yingqi Chen
torch, torchvision, timm, einops, pyyaml
function: utilsenc.PatchShuffle(x)->y
x: input feature; y: outputfeature
function: utilsenc.BatchPatchPartialShuffle(x,k1)->y
x: input feature; k: proportions of patches not to be shuffle; y: outputfeature
The function is the same as PatchShuffle or BatchShuffle, but first turn models into spectral domain. Please see the example as reference.
Place the API of PatchShuffle, BatchShuffle or SpectralShuffle at any place you want to shuffle to feature, in your torch models.
Normally, in our implementation of privacy-preserving split learning, we place the shuffling operation before the first block of transformer and adding class token.
For example:
The model placed on the edge
class F(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self,net,k=1):
super(F, self).__init__()
def forward_features(self, x):
with torch.no_grad():
x = self.model.tokens_to_token(x)
x =utilsenc.BatchPatchPartialShuffle(x,self.k1,self.k2)
cls_token = self.model.cls_token.expand(x.shape[0], -1,-1) # stole cls_tokens impl from Phil Wang, thanks
x =, x), dim=1)
x = self.model.blocks[:1](x)
x =x[:,1:,:]
def forward(self, x):
x= self.forward_features(x)
return x[:,1:,:]
The model placed on the Cloud, F'
class rest_F(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self,net,cut_layer):
super(rest_F, self).__init__()
self.model = net
def forward_features(self, x):
x = self.model.blocks[self.cut_layer:](x)
x = self.model.norm(x)
return x[:, 0]
def forward(self, x):
x= self.forward_features(x)
x = self.model.head(x)
return x
In the model on the edge, we place the shuffling right before adding class token as model strtucture we introduced in our paper.
Here are somple example codes, showing how to use our PatchShuffling/BatchShuffling/SpectralShuffling, also reproduction of results in paper.
Train over CelebA/LFW/Cifar10/Cifar100
T2T is our backbone model. So part of the codes is built based on T2T-VIT and timm models.
First, download the T2T-ViT-24 into the checkpoints folder (suggested).
Then you can train CelebA with BatchShuffling
python3 --dataset=celeba --k=0.4 --b 64 --datapath=your-path-to-dataset
Or you can train Cifar with PatchShuffling:
python3 --dataset=cifar10 --k=1. --b 64 --datapath=your-path-to-dataset
The argument
Train with SpectralShuffling
The training with spectral shuffling is very similar to on the time domain. We just need to turn the computing into
spectral domain.
python3 --dataset=celeba --k=1. --b 64 --datapath=your-path-to-dataset
Train DIFM
Criteo data set is needed. You can download the "train.txt" here. Put "train.txt" in the same path.
Noting that it takes considerable amount of time to preprocess the data. "" will save the preprocessed data into "./train.csv" and "./test.csv". Both "train.txt" and "train.csv" are about 10GB. After that you can run "" without data preprocessing, which is quite a time-saver.
Here are code samples for training adveraries.
Requirements for attackers torchlightning, facenet,facenet-pytorch,transformers,pytorch-msssim
Under the folder BlackBoxAttacker, you can directly run
to test the attacker's Generator
The main logic idea is following the idea of Unsplit[4]. WhiteBox Attack is under folder WhiteBoxAttacker, you can run with following
python3 --dataset=celeba --k=0.4 --b 64 --datapath=your-path-to-dataset
It is similar to the black box attack. Place
with the one under AdaptiveAttacker. Then you can run the same code with BlackBox atack to
realize adaptive attack
You can download some trained models here
Model | Download |
CelebA BS 40 | here |
CelebA PS+ | here |
Cifar10 BS 75 | here |
An adversary tries to use the method of black box attack to restore original images. Figures show the rescontruction image comparing our shuffling methods and other baselines.
An adversary tries to use the method of whilte box attack to restore original images. Figures show the rescontruction image comparing our shuffling methods and other baselines.
For more results please refer to our paper.
Shuffled Transformers for Blind Training
The current method needs three assumptions: split learning training, tasks are not heavily rely on position encoding, and transformers. As transformers have demonstrated outstanding performance, the third assumption is valid and our method can work for all pure transformer structures.
However, the key limitation is that it currently can only be applied to specific tasks where position information will not have much effect on the performance of the targeted tasks. As a result, a promising future work is how we can applied such method to LLM, especially when data privacy has become a major concern in leveraging such models, e.g. ChatGPT.
author={Yao, Dixi and Xiang, Liyao and Xu, Hengyuan and Ye, Hangyu and Chen, Yingqi},
booktitle={2022 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)},
title={Privacy-Preserving Split Learning via Patch Shuffling over Transformers},
D. Yao, L. Xiang, H. Xu, H. Ye and Y. Chen, "Privacy-Preserving Split Learning via Patch Shuffling over Transformers," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Orlando, FL, USA, 2022, pp. 638-647, doi: 10.1109/ICDM54844.2022.00074.
Welcome any discussion and problems: or directly propose in git issues.
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- [4] Erdogan, Ege, Alptekin Kupcu, and A. Ercument Cicek. "Unsplit: Data-oblivious model inversion, model stealing, and label inference attacks against split learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.09033 (2021).