This repository hosts the implementation of an algorithm to compute the number of numerical semigroups of each given genus, as it is presented in the following article:
M. Bras-Amorós, J. Fernández-González: "The right-generators descendant of a numerical semigroup", Mathematics of Computation, American Mathematical Society, 2020. See
For a quick survey on the sequence of the number of numerical semigroups of each given genus and the conjectures related to it see the entry in the On-line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.
One can compile the non-parallelized version as follows.
gcc -Wall -o rgd.out RGD.cpp
and then execute it to compute the number of numerical semigroups of a given genus. For instance, to obtain the number of semigroups of genus 35 the command is
./rgd.out 35
and the output will be
n35=66687201 time taken 2 (without parallelization)
Alternatively, one can compile the Cilk++ parallelized version as follows.
g++ -std=c++11 -fcilkplus -g -Wall -O3 -o rgdcilk.out RGD_cilk.cpp
and then execute it to compute the number of numerical semigroups of a given genus. For instance, to obtain the number of semigroups of genus 40 the command is
./rgdcilk.out 40
and the output will be
n40=774614284 time taken 3 (8 workers)
The next values were first computed using this code:
n71 = 2604033182682582
n72 = 4218309716540814