See here for general docker files building R with a significant number of spatial extension packages and external dependencies, based on rocker and debian.
To allows building sf
in alternative environments with all
external system requirements (udunits, proj, gdal, geos, lwgeom),
this directory has subdirectories with Docker files:
- base: for installing R-release with all system dependencies required by
, - devel: for building R-devel from source (downloaded from svn, without X11) on top of that.
- gdal: for testing with newer/newst gdal/geos/proj versions
- custom: for testing with libraries (gdal, geos, proj.4) installed in custom, non-standard directories
- lowest: for checking sf against the lowest required PROJ, GDAL and GEOS versions
- fedora: for checking sf against the fedora/clang platform
- cran: using the debian setup used by several of the CRAN linux servers
Except for the cran image, all images are built on ubuntu:16.04 (xenial). They use ubuntugis-unstable for GIS package system dependencies.
In directory base
, type
docker build . -t sf
this will build a docker image of approx. 3.8 Gb size, called sf
. It will also install package sf
with its dependencies from CRAN, and run a check on the github sources.
Run a container from this image interactively with
docker run -ti sf
If you want to run it while mounting the current working directory (pwd
) to /pkg
inside the container, and want to remove the container after you exit, use:
docker run -v `pwd`:/pkg --rm -ti sf
After you built docker image sf
above, on top of that you can install r-devel; it counts up to 4 Gb. Build it by executing the following command in the devel
docker build . -t sf_devel
Run a container from this image interactively with
docker run -ti sf_devel
to start R-devel in the container, use the Rdevel
command. Building the image checks sf from github.
If you want to run R with gdb
in a container, use e.g.
docker run --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -ti gdal3