This module makes it easy to set up a new VPC Network in GCP by defining your network and subnet ranges in a concise syntax.
It supports creating:
- A Google Virtual Private Network (VPC)
- Subnets within the VPC
- Secondary ranges for the subnets (if applicable)
- routes
- firewall rules
Sub modules are provided for creating individual vpc, subnets, routes, firewall rules, and firewall policies. See the modules directory for the various sub modules usage.
- vpc
- subnet
- route
- firewall rules
- hierarchical firewall policy
- network firewall policy
- serverless vpc access connector
- hierarchical firewall policy
This module is meant for use with Terraform 1.3+ and tested using Terraform 1.4+.
If you find incompatibilities using Terraform >=1.3
, please open an issue.
You can go to the examples folder, however the usage of the module could be like this in your own file:
module "vpc" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/network/google"
version = "~> 10.0"
project_id = "<PROJECT ID>"
network_name = "example-vpc"
routing_mode = "GLOBAL"
subnets = [
subnet_name = "subnet-01"
subnet_ip = ""
subnet_region = "us-west1"
subnet_name = "subnet-02"
subnet_ip = ""
subnet_region = "us-west1"
subnet_private_access = "true"
subnet_flow_logs = "true"
description = "This subnet has a description"
subnet_name = "subnet-03"
subnet_ip = ""
subnet_region = "us-west1"
subnet_flow_logs = "true"
subnet_flow_logs_interval = "INTERVAL_10_MIN"
subnet_flow_logs_sampling = 0.7
subnet_flow_logs_metadata = "INCLUDE_ALL_METADATA"
secondary_ranges = {
subnet-01 = [
range_name = "subnet-01-secondary-01"
ip_cidr_range = ""
subnet-02 = []
routes = [
name = "egress-internet"
description = "route through IGW to access internet"
destination_range = ""
tags = "egress-inet"
next_hop_internet = "true"
name = "app-proxy"
description = "route through proxy to reach app"
destination_range = ""
tags = "app-proxy"
next_hop_instance = "app-proxy-instance"
next_hop_instance_zone = "us-west1-a"
Then perform the following commands on the root folder:
terraform init
to get the pluginsterraform plan
to see the infrastructure planterraform apply
to apply the infrastructure buildterraform destroy
to destroy the built infrastructure
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
auto_create_subnetworks | When set to true, the network is created in 'auto subnet mode' and it will create a subnet for each region automatically across the address range. When set to false, the network is created in 'custom subnet mode' so the user can explicitly connect subnetwork resources. | bool |
false |
no |
delete_default_internet_gateway_routes | If set, ensure that all routes within the network specified whose names begin with 'default-route' and with a next hop of 'default-internet-gateway' are deleted | bool |
false |
no |
description | An optional description of this resource. The resource must be recreated to modify this field. | string |
"" |
no |
egress_rules | List of egress rules. This will be ignored if variable 'rules' is non-empty | list(object({ |
[] |
no |
enable_ipv6_ula | Enabled IPv6 ULA, this is a permenant change and cannot be undone! (default 'false') | bool |
false |
no |
firewall_rules | This is DEPRICATED and available for backward compatiblity. Use ingress_rules and egress_rules variables. List of firewall rules | list(object({ |
[] |
no |
ingress_rules | List of ingress rules. This will be ignored if variable 'rules' is non-empty | list(object({ |
[] |
no |
internal_ipv6_range | When enabling IPv6 ULA, optionally, specify a /48 from fd20::/20 (default null) | string |
null |
no |
mtu | The network MTU (If set to 0, meaning MTU is unset - defaults to '1460'). Recommended values: 1460 (default for historic reasons), 1500 (Internet default), or 8896 (for Jumbo packets). Allowed are all values in the range 1300 to 8896, inclusively. | number |
0 |
no |
network_firewall_policy_enforcement_order | Set the order that Firewall Rules and Firewall Policies are evaluated. Valid values are BEFORE_CLASSIC_FIREWALL and AFTER_CLASSIC_FIREWALL . (default null or equivalent to AFTER_CLASSIC_FIREWALL ) |
string |
null |
no |
network_name | The name of the network being created | string |
n/a | yes |
network_profile | "A full or partial URL of the network profile to apply to this network. This field can be set only at resource creation time. For example, the following are valid URLs: *{projectId}/global/networkProfiles/{network_profile_name} * projects/{projectId}/global/networkProfiles/{network_profile_name} |
string |
null |
no |
project_id | The ID of the project where this VPC will be created | string |
n/a | yes |
routes | List of routes being created in this VPC | list(map(string)) |
[] |
no |
routing_mode | The network routing mode (default 'GLOBAL') | string |
no |
secondary_ranges | Secondary ranges that will be used in some of the subnets | map(list(object({ range_name = string, ip_cidr_range = string }))) |
{} |
no |
shared_vpc_host | Makes this project a Shared VPC host if 'true' (default 'false') | bool |
false |
no |
subnets | The list of subnets being created | list(object({ |
n/a | yes |
Name | Description |
network | The created network |
network_id | The ID of the VPC being created |
network_name | The name of the VPC being created |
network_self_link | The URI of the VPC being created |
project_id | VPC project id |
route_names | The route names associated with this VPC |
subnets | A map with keys of form subnet_region/subnet_name and values being the outputs of the google_compute_subnetwork resources used to create corresponding subnets. |
subnets_flow_logs | Whether the subnets will have VPC flow logs enabled |
subnets_ids | The IDs of the subnets being created |
subnets_ips | The IPs and CIDRs of the subnets being created |
subnets_names | The names of the subnets being created |
subnets_private_access | Whether the subnets will have access to Google API's without a public IP |
subnets_regions | The region where the subnets will be created |
subnets_secondary_ranges | The secondary ranges associated with these subnets |
subnets_self_links | The self-links of subnets being created |
The subnets list contains maps, where each object represents a subnet. Each map has the following inputs (please see examples folder for additional references):
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
subnet_name | The name of the subnet being created | string | - | yes |
subnet_ip | The IP and CIDR range of the subnet being created | string | - | yes |
subnet_region | The region where the subnet will be created | string | - | yes |
subnet_private_access | Whether this subnet will have private Google access enabled | string | "false" |
no |
subnet_private_ipv6_access | The private IPv6 google access type for the VMs in this subnet | string | - | no |
subnet_flow_logs | Whether the subnet will record and send flow log data to logging | string | "false" |
no |
subnet_flow_logs_interval | If subnet_flow_logs is true, sets the aggregation interval for collecting flow logs | string | "INTERVAL_5_SEC" |
no |
subnet_flow_logs_sampling | If subnet_flow_logs is true, set the sampling rate of VPC flow logs within the subnetwork | string | "0.5" |
no |
subnet_flow_logs_metadata | If subnet_flow_logs is true, configures whether metadata fields should be added to the reported VPC flow logs | string | "INCLUDE_ALL_METADATA" |
no |
subnet_flow_logs_filter | Export filter defining which VPC flow logs should be logged, see for formatting details | string | "true" |
no |
subnet_flow_logs_metadata_fields | List of metadata fields that should be added to reported logs. Can only be specified if VPC flow logs for this subnetwork is enabled and "metadata" is set to CUSTOM_METADATA. | any | - | no |
description | An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource. This field can be set only at resource creation time | string | - | no |
purpose | The purpose of the subnet usage. Whether it is to be used as a regular subnet or for proxy or loadbalacing purposes, see for more details | string | "PRIVATE" |
no |
role | The role of the subnet when using it as a proxy or loadbalancer network. Whether it is to be used as the active or as a backup subnet, see for more details | string | - | no |
stack_type | IPV4_ONLY or IPV4_IPV6 for dual-stack networking |
string | - | no |
ipv6_access_type | INTERNAL or EXTERNAL . INTERNAL requires ULA be enabled on the VPC |
string | - | no |
The routes list contains maps, where each object represents a route. For the next_hop_* inputs, only one is possible to be used in each route. Having two next_hop_* inputs will produce an error. Each map has the following inputs (please see examples folder for additional references):
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
name | The name of the route being created | string | - | no |
description | The description of the route being created | string | - | no |
tags | The network tags assigned to this route. This is a list in string format. Eg. "tag-01,tag-02" | string | - | yes |
destination_range | The destination range of outgoing packets that this route applies to. Only IPv4 is supported | string | - | yes |
next_hop_internet | Whether the next hop to this route will the default internet gateway. Use "true" to enable this as next hop | string | "false" |
yes |
next_hop_ip | Network IP address of an instance that should handle matching packets | string | - | yes |
next_hop_instance | URL or name of an instance that should handle matching packets. If just name is specified "next_hop_instance_zone" is required | string | - | yes |
next_hop_instance_zone | The zone of the instance specified in next_hop_instance. Only required if next_hop_instance is specified as a name | string | - | no |
next_hop_vpn_tunnel | URL to a VpnTunnel that should handle matching packets | string | - | yes |
priority | The priority of this route. Priority is used to break ties in cases where there is more than one matching route of equal prefix length. In the case of two routes with equal prefix length, the one with the lowest-numbered priority value wins | string | "1000" |
yes |
- Terraform >= 1.3
- Terraform Provider for GCP >= 4.25
- Terraform Provider for GCP Beta >= 4.25
- gcloud >243.0.0
In order to execute this module you must have a Service Account with the following roles:
- roles/compute.networkAdmin on the organization or folder
If you are going to manage a Shared VPC, you must have either:
- roles/compute.xpnAdmin on the organization
- roles/compute.xpnAdmin on the folder (beta)
In order to operate with the Service Account you must activate the following API on the project where the Service Account was created:
- Compute Engine API -
Refer to the contribution guidelines for information on contributing to this module.