To read the following content, you need to understand the basic use of GPTCache, references:
- Support the redis eviction
Some improvements:
- Handle openai change of api base for just embeddings
- Support for custom class schema in weaviate vector store
- Fix the error: 'SSDataManager' object has no attribute 'eviction_manager'
- Support the weaviate vector databse
- Fix the connection error of the remote redis cache store
- Add the openai proxy for the chat complete api
- Support the redis as the cache store, usage example: redis+onnx
- Add report table for easy analysis of cache data
- Add support for Qdrant Vector Store
- Add support for Mongodb Cache Store
- Fix bug about the redis vector and onnx similarity evaluation
- Fix the eviction error
- Add a flag for search only operation
- Support to change the redis namespace
- Add
How to better configure your cache
- Support the redis as vector store
from gptcache.manager import VectorBase
vector_base = VectorBase("redis", dimension=10)
- Fix the context len config bug
- To improve the precision of cache hits, two similarity evaluation methods were added
a. SBERT CrossEncoder Evaluation
from gptcache.similarity_evaluation import SbertCrossencoderEvaluation
evaluation = SbertCrossencoderEvaluation()
score = evaluation.evaluation(
'question': 'What is the color of sky?'
'question': 'hello'
b. Cohere rerank api (Free accounts can make up to 100 calls per minute.)
from gptcache.similarity_evaluation import CohereRerankEvaluation
evaluation = CohereRerankEvaluation()
score = evaluation.evaluation(
'question': 'What is the color of sky?'
'answer': 'the color of sky is blue'
c. Multi-round dialog similarity weight matching
from gptcache.similarity_evaluation import SequenceMatchEvaluation
weights = [0.5, 0.3, 0.2]
evaluation = SequenceMatchEvaluation(weights, 'onnx')
query = {
'question': 'USER: "foo2" USER: "foo4"',
cache = {
'question': 'USER: "foo6" USER: "foo8"',
score = evaluation.evaluation(query, cache)
d. Time Evaluation. For the cached answer, first check the time dimension, such as only using the generated cache for the past day
from gptcache.similarity_evaluation import TimeEvaluation
evaluation = TimeEvaluation(evaluation="distance", time_range=86400)
similarity = eval.evaluation(
"search_result": (3.5, None),
"cache_data": CacheData("a", "b",,
- Fix some bugs
a. OpenAI exceptions type #416 b. LangChainChat does work with _agenerate function #400
- Support to use the cohere rerank api to evaluate the similarity
from gptcache.similarity_evaluation import CohereRerankEvaluation
evaluation = CohereRerankEvaluation()
score = evaluation.evaluation(
'question': 'What is the color of sky?'
'answer': 'the color of sky is blue'
- Improve the gptcache server api, refer to the "/docs" path after starting the server
- Fix the bug about the langchain track token usage
- Improve the GPTCache server by using FASTAPI
NOTE: The api struct has been optimized, details: Use GPTCache server
- Add the usearch vector store
from gptcache.manager import manager_factory
data_manager = manager_factory("sqlite,usearch", vector_params={"dimension": 10})
To handle a large prompt, there are currently two options available:
- Increase the column size of CacheStorage.
from gptcache.manager import manager_factory
data_manager = manager_factory(
"sqlite,faiss", scalar_params={"table_len_config": {"question_question": 5000}}
More Details:
- 'question_question': the question column size in the question table, default to 3000.
- 'answer_answer': the answer column size in the answer table, default to 3000.
- 'session_id': the session id column size in the session table, default to 1000.
- 'dep_name': the name column size in the dep table, default to 1000.
- 'dep_data': the data column size in the dep table, default to 3000.
- When using a template, use the dynamic value in the template as the cache key instead of using the entire template as the key.
- str template
from gptcache import Config
from gptcache.processor.pre import last_content_without_template
template_obj = "tell me a joke about {subject}"
prompt = template_obj.format(subject="animal")
value = last_content_without_template(
data={"messages": [{"content": prompt}]}, cache_config=Config(template=template_obj)
# ['animal']
- langchain prompt template
from langchain import PromptTemplate
from gptcache import Config
from gptcache.processor.pre import last_content_without_template
template_obj = PromptTemplate.from_template("tell me a joke about {subject}")
prompt = template_obj.format(subject="animal")
value = last_content_without_template(
data={"messages": [{"content": prompt}]},
# ['animal']
- Wrap the openai object, reference: BaseCacheLLM
import random
from gptcache import Cache
from gptcache.adapter import openai
from gptcache.adapter.api import init_similar_cache
from gptcache.processor.pre import last_content
cache_obj = Cache()
data_dir=str(random.random()), pre_func=last_content, cache_obj=cache_obj
def proxy_openai_chat_complete(*args, **kwargs):
nonlocal is_proxy
is_proxy = True
import openai as real_openai
return real_openai.ChatCompletion.create(*args, **kwargs)
openai.ChatCompletion.llm = proxy_openai_chat_complete
openai.ChatCompletion.cache_args = {"cache_obj": cache_obj}
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
{"role": "user", "content": "What's GitHub"},
- Support the uform embedding, which can be used the bilingual (english + chinese) language
from gptcache.embedding import UForm
test_sentence = 'Hello, world.'
encoder = UForm(model='unum-cloud/uform-vl-english')
embed = encoder.to_embeddings(test_sentence)
test_sentence = '什么是Github'
encoder = UForm(model='unum-cloud/uform-vl-multilingual')
embed = encoder.to_embeddings(test_sentence)
- Support the paddlenlp embedding
from gptcache.embedding import PaddleNLP
test_sentence = 'Hello, world.'
encoder = PaddleNLP(model='ernie-3.0-medium-zh')
embed = encoder.to_embeddings(test_sentence)
- Support the openai Moderation api
from gptcache.adapter import openai
from gptcache.adapter.api import init_similar_cache
from gptcache.processor.pre import get_openai_moderation_input
input="hello, world",
- Add the llama_index bootcamp, through which you can learn how GPTCache works with llama index
details: WebPage QA
- Support the DocArray vector database
from gptcache.manager import manager_factory
data_manager = manager_factory("sqlite,docarray")
- Add rwkv model for embedding
from gptcache.embedding import Rwkv
test_sentence = 'Hello, world.'
encoder = Rwkv(model='sgugger/rwkv-430M-pile')
embed = encoder.to_embeddings(test_sentence)
- Support the langchain embedding
from gptcache.embedding import LangChain
from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
test_sentence = 'Hello, world.'
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(model="your-embeddings-deployment-name")
encoder = LangChain(embeddings=embeddings)
embed = encoder.to_embeddings(test_sentence)
- Add gptcache client
from gptcache import Client
client = Client()
client.put("Hi", "Hi back")
ans = client.get("Hi")
- Support pgvector as vector store
from gptcache.manager import manager_factory
data_manager = manager_factory("sqlite,pgvector", vector_params={"dimension": 10})
- Add the GPTCache server doc
- Support the session for the
from langchain import OpenAI
from gptcache.adapter.langchain_models import LangChainLLMs
from gptcache.session import Session
session = Session(name="sqlite-example")
llm = LangChainLLMs(llm=OpenAI(temperature=0), session=session)
- Optimize the summarization context process
from gptcache import cache
from gptcache.processor.context.summarization_context import SummarizationContextProcess
context_process = SummarizationContextProcess()
- Add BabyAGI bootcamp
- Process the dialog context through the context processing interface, which currently supports two ways: summarize and selective context
import transformers
from gptcache.processor.context.summarization_context import SummarizationContextProcess
from gptcache.processor.context.selective_context import SelectiveContextProcess
from gptcache import cache
summarizer = transformers.pipeline("summarization", model="facebook/bart-large-cnn")
context_process = SummarizationContextProcess(summarizer, None, 512)
context_processor = SelectiveContextProcess()
- Support the temperature param
from gptcache.adapter import openai
temperature = 1.0, # Change temperature here
"role": "user",
"content": question
- Add the session layer
from gptcache.adapter import openai
from gptcache.session import Session
session = Session(name="my-session")
question = "what do you think about chatgpt"
{"role": "user", "content": question}
- Support config cache with yaml for server
from gptcache.adapter.api import init_similar_cache_from_config
config file template:
- Adapt the dolly model
from gptcache.adapter.dolly import Dolly
llm = Dolly.from_model(model="databricks/dolly-v2-3b")
- support the
param, like openai
A non-negative number of sampling temperature, defaults to 0. A higher temperature makes the output more random. A lower temperature means a more deterministic and confident output.
- Add llama adapter
from gptcache.adapter.llama_cpp import Llama
llm = Llama('./models/7B/ggml-model.bin')
answer = llm(prompt=question)
- Add stability sdk adapter (text -> image)
import os
import time
from gptcache import cache
from gptcache.processor.pre import get_prompt
from gptcache.adapter.stability_sdk import StabilityInference, generation
from gptcache.embedding import Onnx
from gptcache.manager.factory import manager_factory
from gptcache.similarity_evaluation.distance import SearchDistanceEvaluation
# init gptcache
onnx = Onnx()
data_manager = manager_factory('sqlite,faiss,local',
vector_params={'dimension': onnx.dimension},
object_params={'path': './images'}
api_key = os.getenv('STABILITY_KEY', 'key-goes-here')
stability_api = StabilityInference(
key=os.environ['STABILITY_KEY'], # API Key reference.
verbose=False, # Print debug messages.
engine='stable-diffusion-xl-beta-v2-2-2', # Set the engine to use for generation.
start = time.time()
answers = stability_api.generate(
prompt='a cat sitting besides a dog',
stability reference:
- Add minigpt4 adapter
Notice: It cannot be used directly, it needs to cooperate with mini-GPT4 source code, refer to: Vision-CAIR/MiniGPT-4#136
- Add vqa bootcamp
- Add two streamlit multimodal demos
- Add vit image embedding func
from gptcache.embedding import ViT
encoder = ViT(model="google/vit-base-patch16-384")
embed = encoder.to_embeddings(image)
- Add
func for the GPTCache api module
from gptcache.adapter.api import init_similar_cache
- The simple GPTCache server provides similar cache
- clone the GPTCache repo,
git clone
- install the gptcache model,
pip install gptcache
- run the GPTCache server,
cd gptcache_server && python
- Add image embedding timm
import requests
from PIL import Image
from gptcache.embedding import Timm
url = ''
image =, stream=True).raw) # Read image url as PIL.Image
encoder = Timm(model='resnet18')
image_tensor = encoder.preprocess(image)
embed = encoder.to_embeddings(image_tensor)
- Add Replicate adapter, vqa (visual question answering) (experimental)
from gptcache.adapter import replicate
question = "what is in the image?"
"image": open(image_path, 'rb'),
"question": question
- Support to flush data for preventing accidental loss of memory data
from gptcache import cache
- Add StableDiffusion adapter (experimental)
import torch
from gptcache.adapter.diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline
from gptcache.processor.pre import get_prompt
from gptcache import cache
model_id = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1"
pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(model_id, torch_dtype=torch.float16)
prompt = "a photo of an astronaut riding a horse on mars"
Add speech to text bootcamp, link
More convenient management of cache files
from gptcache.manager.factory import manager_factory
data_manager = manager_factory('sqlite,faiss', data_dir="test_cache", vector_params={"dimension": 5})
- Add a simple GPTCache server (experimental)
After starting this server, you can:
- put the data to cache, like:
curl -X PUT -d "receive a hello message" "http://localhost:8000?prompt=hello"
- get the data from cache, like:
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8000?prompt=hello"
Currently the service is just a map cache, more functions are still under development.
- Add GPTCache api, makes it easier to access other different llm models and applications
from gptcache.adapter.api import put, get
from gptcache.processor.pre import get_prompt
from gptcache import cache
put("hello", "foo")
- Add image generation bootcamp, link:
- Fix to fail to save the data to cache
- Add openai audio adapter (experimental)
- Improve data eviction implementation
In the future, users will have greater flexibility to customize eviction methods, such as by using Redis or Memcached. Currently, the default caching library is cachetools, which provides an in-memory cache. Other libraries are not currently supported, but may be added in the future.
- The llm request can customize topk search parameters
{"role": "user", "content": question},
- Add openai complete adapter
response = openai.Completion.create(
Add langchain and openai bootcamp
Add openai image adapter (experimental)
from gptcache.adapter import openai
prompt1 = 'a cat sitting besides a dog'
size1 = '256x256'
- Refine storage interface
- Add kreciprocal similarity evaluation
K-reprciprocl evaluation is a method inspired by the popular reranking method in ReID( The term “k-reciprocal” comes from the fact that the algorithm creates reciprocal relationships between similar embeddings in the top-k list. In other words, if embedding A is similar to embedding B and embedding B is similar to embedding A, then A and B are said to be “reciprocally similar” to each other. This evaluation abandon those embeddings pairs which are not “reciprocally similar” in their K nearest neighbors. And the remaining pairs will keep the distance for the final rank.
vector_base = VectorBase("faiss", dimension=d)
data_manager = get_data_manager(CacheBase("sqlite"), vector_base)
evaluation = KReciprocalEvaluation(vectordb=vector_base)
... # other configs
- Add LangChainChat adapter
from gptcache.adapter.langchain_models import LangChainChat
chat = LangChainChat(chat=ChatOpenAI(temperature=0))
answer = chat(
content="Translate this sentence from English to Chinese. I love programming."
- Import data into cache
questions = ["foo1", "foo2"]
answers = ["a1", "a2"]
cache.import_data(questions=questions, answers=answers)
- New pre-process function: remove prompts
When using the LLM model, a prompt may be added for each input. If the entire message with the prompt is brought into the cache, it may lead to an increase in the cache error hit rate. For example, the text of the prompt is very long, and the text of the real question is very short. .
- Embedded milvus
The embedded Milvus is a lightweight version of Milvus that can be embedded into your Python application. It is a single binary that can be easily installed and run on your machine.
with TemporaryDirectory(dir="./") as root:
db = VectorBase(
... #other config
data_manager = get_data_manager("sqlite", vector_base)