Submitted as: model description paper
10 Dec 2024
Submitted as: model description paper |  | 10 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GMD.

A Flexible ROMS-based Hybrid Coupled Model for ENSO Studies–Model Formulation and Performance Evaluation

Yang Yu, Yin-Nan Li, Rong-Hua Zhang, Shu-Hua Chen, Yu-Heng Tseng, Wenzhe Zhang, and Hongna Wang

Abstract. The El Niño and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) constitutes the most prominent interannual climate variation mode in the climate system, originating from ocean-atmosphere interactions in the tropical Pacific. Accurately modeling ENSO variation has consistently posed a great challenge, exhibiting strong model-dependent representations and simulations of ENSO. This study presents a novel Hybrid Coupled Model (HCM), denoted as HCMROMS, built upon the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) that has been widely used for regional modeling studies. For basin-wide applications to the tropical Pacific, here, the ROMS is incorporated with a statistical atmospheric model, which is based on singular value decomposition (SVD), capturing interannual relationships of atmospheric perturbations such as wind stress and freshwater flux anomalies with sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies. The model is constructed in a flexible way so that various components representing atmospheric forcing and oceanic biogeochemistry can be easily included as a module in the HCMROMS. Results demonstrate that the HCMROMS can simulate a stable quasi-three-year ENSO cycle when the interannual wind stress coupling coefficient, ατ , is set at 1.5. The HCMROMS reproduces the three-dimensional (3D) evolution of ENSO-related anomalies, revealing that the most pronounced temperature anomalies occur beneath the surface at 150 m. The interannual temperature anomaly budget highlights the dominance of the advection process in the simulated ENSO. Vertical mixing contributes negatively to ENSO anomalies, damping temperature anomalies from the surface due to the turbulent heat flux feedback. This newly developed HCMROMS is poised to serve as an efficient modeling tool for ENSO research in the future.

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Yang Yu, Yin-Nan Li, Rong-Hua Zhang, Shu-Hua Chen, Yu-Heng Tseng, Wenzhe Zhang, and Hongna Wang

Status: open (until 04 Feb 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Yang Yu, Yin-Nan Li, Rong-Hua Zhang, Shu-Hua Chen, Yu-Heng Tseng, Wenzhe Zhang, and Hongna Wang
Yang Yu, Yin-Nan Li, Rong-Hua Zhang, Shu-Hua Chen, Yu-Heng Tseng, Wenzhe Zhang, and Hongna Wang


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Short summary
In this paper, we develop a new flexible Hybrid Coupled Model (HCM) by incorporating the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) with a statistical atmospheric model. The model performance is evaluated for its ability to simulate El Niño and Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-related processes. The newly developed HCMROMS is expected to become an effective modeling tool for studying the multi-scale and multi-sphere interactions associated with ENSO in the tropical Pacific.