This is a report on the road cleaning conducted on New Year's Eve 2024, but first of all, I have to apologize. When I reported on the cleanup on December 20, I told them that the next planned cleaning area would require three days, but that was a big mistake.
『 誤算 / Unexpected 』
今回、清掃を行なったエリアは、四角い交通公園の角地で、河川に近く、周囲から公園内部へと “草” や “芝” たちが侵略している一角です。
The area that was cleaned this time is a corner lot of a square traffic park, close to the river, and a corner where "grass" and "turf" are invading the park from the surrounding area.
一見すると、草や芝がコースの舗装面へと伸びてきているだけに見えます。しかし、実際には、大量の “土” がコース内へと侵入して分厚く15㎝以上も堆積して、その表面に草たちが生えているだけでした。従って、12月20日の清掃報告で「このコースで最大の土溜まり」と伝えたのも間違いです。今回のエリアの方が圧倒的な “土溜まり” でした。
At first glance, it looks like grass and turf are growing onto the pavement of the course. However, in reality, a large amount of "soil" had penetrated into the course and deposited more than 15 cm thick, and only grass was growing on the surface. Therefore, it is a mistake to say that the cleanup area on December 20 was "the largest accumulation of dirt on this course". This area was an overwhelming "dirt pool".
『 結果報告 / Report 』
現実を知ったとしても後には引けません。 こんなに厚く土が溜まっている様では安全な講習や練習は行えません。予定していた 3時間を費やして、コース幅 3m × 長さ 5m のエリアの清掃を完了しました。このペースで行くと、この角地の一角だけで 6日間の作業は必要になるでしょうが、やるしかありません。次回の清掃もこのエリアです。
Even if I knew the reality, I couldn't back down. If the soil is so thick, it is not possible to conduct safe classes and practices. We spent the planned 3 hours to complete the cleaning of the 3m wide × 5m long area of the course. At this pace, it will take six days of work on this corner of the lot, but we have to do it. The next cleaning will also be in this area.
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