Progress Toward Engaging Unreached Peoples
God continues to lead His church to engage peoples not yet reached with the Gospel. This map visualizes progress toward a multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language knowing and worshipping our Lord Jesus Christ. Rejoice in how the Gospel has spread among many peoples and pray for the 3,171 people groups that remain unreached and unengaged.
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Global Status of Evangelical Christianity
The Global Status of Evangelical Christianity (GSEC) map visualizes people groups based on:
• percentage of evangelicals;
• access to evangelical resources;
• recent church planting activity.
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Understanding Affinity Groups
In a world with dissolving borders, global “affinity groups”—large groupings of related peoples that share similar origins, languages and cultures—act as a lens through which missionaries view lostness and focus strategy to share the gospel. Focusing strategy through affinity groups gives missionaries a more complete picture of the people they are working to reach as well as the freedom to pursue the lost regardless of their location. IMB has identified eight primary affinity groups. A ninth affinity group uniquely targets the world’s culturally Deaf peoples.
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Unengaged Unreached People Groups
A people group is unreached when less than 2 percent of its population is evangelical Christian. A people group is unengaged when no evangelical church planting strategy is being implemented among them.
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Explore Unengaged Unreached People Groups
A people group is considered unreached when the percentage of evangelical Christians is less than 2 percent and there is no indigenous community of believers able to engage the group with church planting. A people group is considered unengaged when there is no church planting strategy, consistent with evangelical faith and practice, being implemented. This map allows you to explore the people groups who remain unreached and unengaged.
Compare GSEC with Progress Toward Engaging Unreached Peoples map visualizations
Progress Toward Engaging Unreached Peoples symbolizes people groups as red for Unengaged and Unreached, orange for Engaged yet Unreached, and green for No Longer Unreached. Global Status of Evangelical Christianity (GSEC) symbolizes people groups using seven symbology colors based on percentage of evangelicals, access to evangelical resources, and recent church planting activity.
Take a virtual Prayerwalk through Shanghai, China
Take a virtual prayerwalk through Shanghai, one of the most densely populated cities in the world. Explore the historic district. Visit the modern business center of Pudong. Learn about the challenges faced by students, grassroots people, the elderly. Gain a better understanding of China’s official churches and the persecution faced by unregistered house churches.
Take a Virtual Journey to the Orient with Robert J. Willingham at the turn of the 20th Century
On September 2, 1907, Foreign Mission Board (FMB) Corresponding Secretary Robert J. Willingham embarked with his wife on a seven-month journey around the world to visit Southern Baptist mission stations. Follow their journeys through Japan, China, India, Israel and into Europe. Get a glimpse of missionary life at the turn of the 20th century.