Grist is a nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future. Our goal is to use the power of storytelling to illuminate the way toward a better world, inspire millions of people to walk that path with us, and show that the time for action is now.
Nikhil Swaminathan | CEO
Natasha Berman | COO
Katherine Bagley | Editor-in-Chief
Tristan Ahtone | Editor at Large
Clayton Aldern | Senior Data Reporter
L.V. Anderson | Senior Editor
Amelia Bates | Senior Designer
Jake Bittle | Staff Writer
Jaime Buerger | Senior Managing Editor
Teresa Chin | Executive Editor of Data and Design
Matt Craft | Senior Editor
Frida Garza | Staff Writer
Anita Hofschneider | Senior Staff Writer
Ayurella Horn-Muller | Staff Writer
Emily Jones | Regional Reporter, Georgia
Katherine Lanpher | Senior Editor
Matthew McKnight | Senior Editor
Gautama Mehta | Environmental Justice Reporting Fellow
Sachi Kitajima Mulkey | Climate News Reporting Fellow
Katie Myers | Regional Reporter, Appalachia
Jesse Nichols | Video Producer
Juanpablo Ramirez-Franco | Regional Reporter, Illinois
Tik Root | Senior Staff Writer
Izzy Ross | Regional Reporter, Great Lakes
Naveena Sadasivam | Senior Staff Writer
Matt Simon | Senior Staff Writer
Chuck Squatriglia | Senior Editor
Taylar Dawn Stagner | Indigenous Affairs Reporting Fellow
Jessica Stahl | Executive Editor, Strategic Initiatives
Tory Stephens | Climate Fiction Creative & Brand Partnerships Manager
Zoya Teirstein | Staff Writer
John Thomason | Features Editor
Claire Elise Thompson | Associate Editor
Mia Torres | Editorial Designer
Joseph Winters | Staff Writer
Kate Yoder | Senior Staff Writer
Lylla Younes | Senior Staff Writer
Innovation & Growth
Megan Merrigan | Director, Innovation & Growth
Jason Castro | Product Manager
Lyndsey Gilpin | Senior Manager of Community Engagement
Rachel Glickhouse | Director of Partnerships
Mignon Khargie | Art Director
Justin Ray | Senior Audience Producer
Patrick Schmitt | Director, Development
Jess Alvarado-Lepine | Director, Membership
Alexandra Comer | Development Manager
Jeff Giza-Martin | Salesforce & ESP Administrator
Nicole Foster | Senior Major Gifts Manager
Michelle Thompson | Foundation Relations Officer
Brian Troyer | Senior Manager, Business Development
Operations & Events
Bekah Cardwell | Director, Finance & Operations
Rachel Bouton | Senior Manager, Events
Lisa Jurras-Buchanan | Director, Content Operations
Noel Hahn | HR Coordinator
MJ Mendoza | Senior HR Manager
Lydia Middleton | Special Assistant to the CEO
The Uproot Project
Lucia Priselac | Director, The Uproot Project
Nora O’Brien | Operations Associate
Sofia Prado Huggins | Project and Social Media Manager
Board of Directors
John Alderman
Trenton Allen | Founder, CEO & Managing Director, Sustainable Capital Advisors
Dana Bourland | Soils and Vessels
Susan Chira | Formerly of The Marshall Project and New York Times
Michelle DePass | President, DePass Paulson Advisors
Chip Giller | Founder, Grist
C’Ardiss Gardner Gleser | Philanthropy Consultant, Black Ivy Collective
Kristen Grimm | Founder and Strategist, Spitfire Strategies
Elise Hu | Co-founder, Reasonable Volume
Susan L. Kaufman | Susan L. Kaufman Consulting
Max Moinian | Founder, Future Earth Foundation
Donna Moodie | CIO / EcoDistrict Executive Director, Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle
Rachel Morello-Frosch | Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management &
School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley
Julian Brave NoiseCat | Writer
Kavita N. Ramdas | Richard von Weisäcker Fellow, Bosch Academy
Nathaniel Smith | Chief Equity Officer, Partnership for Southern Equity
Nikhil Swaminathan | CEO, Grist
John Vechey | Pluto VR & PopCap Games
Brady Walkinshaw | Founder & Publisher, Noisy Creek
Gino Borland | Product Manager, CarbonQuest
Don Chen | President, Surdna Foundation
Bill McKibben | Author & Activist
Wendy Schmidt | President, Schmidt Family Foundation
Eugene Mirman | Writer & Comedian
Dr. Benjamin Strauss | CEO & Chief Scientist, Climate Central
Chip Giller | Founder, Grist