Resources for Languages
Zero Resources 0
1-4 Resources 1 - 4
5 or More Resources 5 or more

Populated Places
National Capitals National Capitals
Provincial Capitals Provincial Capitals
Large CIties - Agglom >1M; City >500K Large CIties - Agglom >1M; City >500K
Medium Cities - Agglom >250K; City >100K Medium Cities - Agglom >250K; City >100K
Small Cities - Agglom >100K; City >50K Small Cities - Agglom >100K; City >50K
Large Towns - Place > 10K Large Towns - Place > 10K
Towns - Place > 1K Towns - Place > 1K
Small towns - No Pop or < 1K Small towns - No Pop or < 1K
Low/No Pop and Low Accuracy Low/No Pop and Low Accuracy

Multiple Point Languages
Multiple Point Languages Multiple Point Languages

GRN Recorded languages

1 1
2 - 3 2 - 3
4 - 7 4 - 7
8 - 14 8 - 14
15 - 28 15 - 28

GRN Unrecorded Languages
1 1
2 - 5 2 - 5
6 - 11 6 - 11
12 - 23 12 - 23
24 - 36 24 - 36

Unverified Languages
1 - 2 1 - 2
3 - 7 3 - 7
8 - 13 8 - 13
14 - 23 14 - 23
24 - 44 24 - 44

Neediest Languages
Totally Unreached Totally Unreached
 Minimally Engaged Minimally Engaged

Extinct Languages
Extinct Langauges Extinct Langauges

Refugee Camps
UNHCR office-GRN Edit UNHCR office-GRN Edit
Refugee camp-GRN edit Refugee camp-GRN edit
UNHCR Office UNHCR Office
Refugee camp Refugee camp
