Send reminder based on date and google sheet cell status

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Tommy D

Nov 13, 2024, 4:47:14 AMNov 13
to Google Apps Script Community
I'm fairly new to script writing.  I have spreadsheet with projects, assignments, and due dates.  I have a script in place that when a box is checked, an email is sent to notify appropriate parties that the project is completed.

I'm wondering if there is a script I can write with a trigger that if the box is unchecked, or "in progress" or "not started" by the due date listed in the same row to trigger an email.  I'm flexible on the phrasing and wording on the google doc.

For example,
No email if the box says "yes" in completed column.  Send email reminder 72 hours from due date  for particular row if "pending" or "No" is in the status column

Right now, I have
function TechbookReminder(e)
{let range = e.range;
let col = range.getColumn();
let row = range.getRow();
let source = e.source.getActiveSheet();
let val = range.getValue();
var status = data[10];
var gamedate = data [0]}

SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Fall 2024").getRange(col, 11).
if (status == "NO" && gamedate == is(data[0] - 72))
subject: `techbook Reminder for ${data[0]} ${data[3]}
htmlBody: `Please submit the techbook for this project ASAP'

Laurie Nason

Nov 13, 2024, 2:37:28 PMNov 13
Hey Tommy,
Welcome to a whole new world of possibilities with scripting! 
However, I would say - don't forget the possibilities in your google sheet in favor of doing everything by scripting.
In your case - if I were doing this I would:
  1. Create a helper column in your data sheet that does the comparison you mentioned and returns a flag of true/false (it's much easier working with dates and times in the sheet than in appscript!)
  2. Create a tab in your sheet where you log ALL the emails that you send (to prevent repeats) and use a unique value in both sheets that you can compare in another column to see if you have already sent this email. this also gives you a bit of an audit trail when someone comes to you and says " You didn't let me know!"
  3. Create a trigger that runs, say every hour, and checks every row in your original sheet and sends the email (and logs it) if that flag is true.
  4. Loop back to #1 and make sure your helper column takes into account if the email has already been sent (use a xlookup on the id you used to see if it exists in the mail log)
In terms of the scripting - there have been various recommendations on this chat - but so far I've been happy with ChatGPT, and NOT with Gemini. 
They will get you most of the way there with the coding, but it will help if you make sure it comments the code well for you and I ask it to log to the execution log to see what's happening - you can always comment out something if there's too much information going in there.


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