Deprecation of Maps Data API

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Jean-Francois Noel

Nov 3, 2010, 10:55:55 PM11/3/10
I've been using the Maps Data API to interact with users "My Map" maps, it seems this mean it won't be possible anymore?

If that is the case, then what is in store for "My Map" more generally?

Josh Livni

Nov 4, 2010, 2:35:39 AM11/4/10
Hi there,

You are correct, and the ability to directly interact with MyMaps via an API will no longer be possible after the deprecation period is over.  

As noted in the announcement, you can still access your data through MyMaps directly.  As for MyMaps itself, it will continue to exist into the forseeable future.  This deprecation announcement is only for gdata API.




Nov 4, 2010, 5:35:12 AM11/4/10
Can you give reasons, why you don´t allow API access anymore? I cannot believe, it is just to bring people to FusionTables.


Nov 4, 2010, 6:36:38 AM11/4/10
to Google Maps Data API
Hi, is then HTTP access (with GeoRSS) possible?

Josh Livni

Nov 4, 2010, 7:38:28 AM11/4/10
to Google Maps Data API
Hi Alex,

You are correct, and this deprecation is entirely unrelated to Fusion
Tables. We mention this service only because we feel it will meet the
needs of many users of the Maps Data API who are looking to store and
query their spatial data in the cloud, but not because it has a 1:1
relationship with the the Maps Data API.

Labs has always been a place for us to release experimental products
so that we can get feedback from real users. This feedback informs
improvements to the maps product and helps us make decisions about the
right next steps for these features. In this case, we saw relatively
low usage of the API and received significant usability feedback that
has lead us to decide that other paths may provide better solutions
than our current one, given the costs of supporting and maintaining
the feature.



Josh Livni

Nov 4, 2010, 7:41:10 AM11/4/10
to Google Maps Data API
Hi there,

I am unsure if you are referring to Fusion Tables or Maps Data API
with this question. In any case, after the deprecation there will be
no Maps Data API. Regarding Fusion Tables, there is an HTTP API (see, although it does not
currently return GeoRSS as an option. This would be a good feature
request for them, if indeed that is what you were asking.



Samuel Algisi

Nov 4, 2010, 11:21:51 PM11/4/10
I read the documentation (API MapsData (deprecated) / FusionTables (new)) but I don't understand how can I continue to use some important features using Fusion Tables now!

In particular:
  • Authentication, OK, is the same
  • HTTP Inserting/Getting/Deleting, OK, is the same
  • (!!!) What is the relationship between objects:
    • What is a map in FusionTable?
    • What is a feature (polygon and marker I need...) in FusionTable?
Please, help me! I recently started a project using MapsData API that it seems I should entirely change!
Thank you very much

Josh Livni

Nov 5, 2010, 12:20:07 AM11/5/10
Hi Samuel,

First it's important to look at the data and the visualization of that data separately.  In the Maps Data API you could store spatial data (a "Map" was basically a Folder that could contain many spatial Features).  As far as visualization, if you went to MyMaps you could then see a rendered view of that "Map" overlayed on top of Google Maps.  

In Fusion Tables, which you can think of as a relational database in the cloud, we have "Tables" with "Rows".  These could be analogous to "Maps" and "Features" in the Maps Data (although a bit more powerful, since you can also do joins on the tables, etc.).  Each "Row" is like a "Feature" in Maps Data API.   In addition, you can visualize your data from Fusion Tables in a few different ways, including on a Google Map, by either creating your maps Maps V3 Mashup and adding a FusionTablesLayer, or by simply clicking Visualize -> Map from the menu.

It's important to note that in the Maps Data API your Feature could contain Styling information, but in Fusion Tables you define your styling for the entire Table, potentially based on some attributes (columns) of a particular Row.  When you use the web-based tool to transfer your data to Fusion Tables it will create a Style column, but this column is ignored by Fusion Tables by default, since it does not have identical styling functionality.  It is up to you to go to the Map View in Fusion Tables and click "Configure Styles" to set the styling as you see fit for that Table.

Hopefully this helps, but let me know if you have more questions.  If you do, please also give some background on what you're trying to do (just store/retrieve/query spatial data, or also to render it?)



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Nov 5, 2010, 1:55:13 AM11/5/10
Hi Josh!

I have a simple VBA Desktop app to create maps with pins. 

Now i use code like ... 

    objHTTP.Open "POST", url, False
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "GoogleLogin Auth=" & authToken
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/atom+xml"
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "api_visible", "0"
    objHTTP.send ("<entry xmlns=''><title>MyMap</title><summary>OK.</summary></entry>")

to create a map. Is this so with API 3.0 (Fusion) further useable? 

Thanks, mk

Josh Livni

Nov 5, 2010, 2:16:03 AM11/5/10
Hi there,

Yes Fusion Tables has an API, although the syntax is different - you'll send SQL requests over HTTP to the API in order to create a new table and then add rows (features) to it.



Abitbol Dan

Nov 7, 2010, 6:07:14 PM11/7/10

With the announcement of the deprecation of the maps API, is the meaning that developed application would not be ablt to access maps for displaying points on it?
We are having an application that is displaying location of users in real-time, and also some history tracks built on the fly (not stored as part as the map data).
I am wondering if it is possible to continue using this functionality in the future? if not what is the alternative using fusion tables?

Thank you for your prompt answer

Josh Livni

Nov 8, 2010, 2:10:54 AM11/8/10
Hi there Dan,

Yes, after the deprecation period is over, no applications will be able to access any Maps or Features via the Maps Data API.  

I do not know the workflow of your application, but chances are you could use Fusion Tables as a backend if you want to:  Simply use the Fusion Tables API to upload the user data, and then you could create a Maps V3 mashup that uses a FusionTablesLayer to display the data on top.  You may also be able to upload the historical 'tracks' as polylines to the Fusion Tables API if you wanted to.  If you would like more detail, please let us know more about the specifics of you application and we'll try to help answer any questions.



Victor Nakonechny

Nov 8, 2010, 8:41:47 PM11/8/10
I've  already utilized gdoc data api and was just planning to start using map data api, but I do have real concerns about continue to use any of google open api because they could go depricated very quickly, like notes api in the past and now map api (both pretty useful for me). How do we know, what is gonna happen with fusion api, gdoc etc in nearest future?


Josh Livni

Nov 10, 2010, 1:43:22 AM11/10/10
Hi Victor,

You make a good point, and we realize this is always a concern for developers.  You can see a list of API's that are in labs and that have already graduated at -- the Documents List API for example has graduated, and because of this should have a published deprecation policy (usually 3 years for most non-Labs API's).  

One of the things we do take into account when looking whether to graduate an API is the popularity of the API's amongst developers.  Again it is unlikely we will be able to tell the future and guarantee anything for a Labs experiment one way or the other, but asking the question of deprecation policy in the forum of the particular Labs API you are interested in, and generally looking at the activity in that forum will hopefully get you excited about the future of some of these great API's.




Nov 10, 2010, 2:12:52 AM11/10/10
to Google Maps Data API

you certainly have more insight in how many people use the Maps Data
API than the forum, I believe. From looking at the participation in
this forum, I couldn´t tell, if it is widely used. It could just be,
that the documentation and the quality of the service are so good,
that no questions need to be asked.

From my view and my experience with the API (yes, I also have to put
considerable work into moving to another placemark storage for my
application), I think the API and the ability to edit its content with
Google Maps was a very beautiful design.

I am looking forward to try Fusion Tables. What I like about it is the
ability to make queried calls for a specific geolocation, what could
possibly speed up my application, as I don´t have to do the selection
at the client side. What I am mostly bummed out about though, is
saying farewell to the ability to administer maps and placemarks
directly with Google Maps. This feature was so powerful, that I just
can´t believe, that you abandon this great achievement for

As from what you wrote above, you take into account the "costs of
supporting and maintaining the feature" in relation to the amount of
people using it. From the feedback alone in this topic, I cannot say
that the feature was not popular. So is it really true, that the costs
are so immensely high to maintain it?

Thanks and best regards,


Nov 10, 2010, 3:39:11 AM11/10/10
to Google Maps Data API
Agree with Alex.

I'm just about to use Google Maps Data API to implement a massive
vehicle tracking system.
(more than 100,000 vehicles at the same time in my country and may
expand 100 ~ 1000 times if I made it available globally)
I was stunned to see your decision on closing this project.
The Fusion Tables has 100MB data limitation, which is just not
scalable enough for my project.
Please reconsider supporting this world changing project!


Samuel Algisi

Nov 10, 2010, 9:18:17 PM11/10/10
Ok Josh,
I rewritten my client using Fusion Tables, and I understood the model:
  • map = table
  • pin or polygon = row
But now, please, can I use the mentioned Maps V3 Mashup and FusionTablesLayer on a GUI/C# application to get a map/image-only with my polygons and pins? As I made before using Mapsdata...

Thank you,

Josh Livni

Nov 11, 2010, 1:03:51 AM11/11/10
Hi Alex,

Thanks for your feedback.  We do realize that there are some parts of the Maps Data API integration w/MyMaps that are not replicable with other API's, and this was certainly something we discussed at length before deciding to deprecate.  And yes, there were also many other factors that went into the decision, including the developer use and feedback of the API, and where we felt we should be focusing our engineering resources to help our developer community in the best possible way.  

As you can see from this thread, there are certainly some developers who will be affected, but even amongst this small group of people the majority will be able use Fusion Tables or another API or method to achieve the same result. 



Josh Livni

Nov 11, 2010, 1:07:34 AM11/11/10
Hi there,

I believe that while there is a 100MB maximum for uploads, the per-user quota is currently 250MB (which may easily hold your 100k entries if it is just a single point and some attributes).  I also saw you asked about the potential for an increase on the Fusion Tables group, and they may have a better answer to this more general question of raising limits down the line.




Nov 12, 2010, 6:50:30 AM11/12/10
to Google Maps Data API
> felt we should be focusing our engineering resources to help our developer
> community in the best possible way.

this sounds a little like: "Google has limited engineering resources
and thus can´t help their developer community in the best possible

Barry Hunter

Nov 12, 2010, 9:30:04 PM11/12/10

Of course they have limited engineering resources. Not even Google can
devote unlimited to a free service.

The only bit missing from the sentence was

>> felt we should be focusing our engineering resources to help our developer

>> community in the best possible way [given what resources we have available]

Pierre-François Gomez

Nov 13, 2010, 7:38:19 PM11/13/10
There's a lot of noise in this thread.

For those who have trouble accepting this deprecation, I understand
you : I started an app based on this API, too, and I must admit I had
the same reaction at first.

On the other hand, the more I read about the fusion tables API, the
more I became convinced it was a better solution.

Now the switch sure won't go without trouble, and I'd have preferred
working on the next features instead of migrating my app to a new API.

But since I don't have a choice here, I figured I might as well look
at the bright side : overall, my app will benefit from this change
because once the switch from one backend to the other is done, I will
have a much cleaner design.

bill chadwick

Nov 15, 2010, 9:02:55 PM11/15/10
This is unwelcome news.

I have a site where users have been able to persist hike/bike routes to their MyMaps account. I won't be able to offer these users automatic conversion after the API is turned off.

Looks like I will have to do quite a bit of work to my site to offer allternative login and persistence to FusionTables.

Very disappointed ...


Jan 18, 2011, 11:13:19 PM1/18/11
Does that mean the 'My Maps' feature that I can access in Google Maps, from my desktop browser will disappear after Jan. 31? If so, why are there no warning when ussing that feature?

Josh Livni

Jan 19, 2011, 1:25:47 AM1/19/11
Hi there,

No - the My Maps feature will remain after January 31.  This deprecation is only for the Maps Data API, which lets you programmatically  access the data behind your My Maps.



On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 7:13 AM, GuyFromMars <> wrote:
Does that mean the 'My Maps' feature that I can access in Google Maps, from my desktop browser will disappear after Jan. 31? If so, why are there no warning when ussing that feature?


Menion Asamm

Feb 2, 2011, 6:49:30 PM2/2/11
Hi Guys,
  nice, really. I'm creator of Android Locus application, that until now, allowed to view and edit My Maps data. Seems that this possibility is no more allowed. I don't understand why this do not remain functional, but without any future support! Google Maps android application can handle My Maps data still as well as desktop version of maps in browser!

  is here any chance to access My Maps data from third party software or I should delete whole bunch of code ...


Feb 2, 2011, 7:11:49 PM2/2/11
Hi Menion,

the advice that probably will be given to you is very predictable, but not very satisfying:
- no, there is no chance to access My Maps from Software that is not from Google
- you don´t need to delete your code, but you would have to rewrite it to access Fusion Tables including OAuth-authentication, to let users work on their account.

Here is my solution based on OAuth-PHP, which lets you use Fusion Tables with OAuth-access almost as easily as the My Maps API before:!searchin/fusion-tables-users-group/oauth/fusion-tables-users-group/u6s-vLIEmfo/EVAou3oug6wJ

Best regards,

Menion Asamm

Feb 2, 2011, 7:53:38 PM2/2/11
Thanks Ales,
  very predictable solution :)

  fusion tables are on my TODO list now. I feel a little sorry about My Maps, because it was much easier solution for, let say "not very experienced users".


Josh Livni

Feb 3, 2011, 5:00:16 AM2/3/11
Hi Menion,

Unfortunately there is no way to access MyMaps data programmatically, as the Maps Data API has now been deprecated.  We know this is important to our users and are scoping out how best to provide this feature for the long term, but meanwhile I apologize we do not have a better answer for you.




Feb 3, 2011, 8:33:37 AM2/3/11

I find that iPhone App 'The Cartographer' still can view and edit My Maps data.
It seems not using Maps Data API.


I don't know how it working, but there should be a way to access My Maps data.


emmanuel navedo

Feb 3, 2011, 4:29:12 PM2/3/11
I been trying to export my maps to fusion tables using the liberation tool ( but it does not transfer my markers. Does it has something to do with the fact that this api is deprecated? Is there any other way to make this transfer?

Many thanks;


Feb 4, 2011, 3:58:12 AM2/4/11
Hi Josh,

If I understood it properly, in order to manage your "My Maps" from an application you must export the data to Fusion Tables and do it from there.

In my case, I create several maps into the "My Maps" section with the actual "Google Maps" GUI because it's the best way for me. But, later on, I have some utilities that download the data, process it, and update it, periodically.

Then, when I want to "see" the map I do it through "My Maps" interface again because it's the best way for me.

So, my question is, is there any kind of connection between My Maps and Fusion Tables (the exported one) in order to keep my maps synchronized with the changes that there will be made to the tables?

And, If I create new maps manually in My Maps or in Fusion Tables, is there any API to create the element (a map or a table) in other side?


Josh Livni

Feb 4, 2011, 4:56:04 AM2/4/11
Hi there,

To clarify, there is currently no relationship between MyMaps and
Fusion Tables, so if you modify data in Fusion Tables itself you will
not see any of these changes in My Maps. And, there is also no longer
any API to My Maps.

We know that viewing data within MyMaps is useful and popular, and we
are aiming to have a better answer to all of this for our developers
in the future.



Greg Macdonald

Feb 5, 2011, 7:53:34 AM2/5/11

By day I'm a developer, but in this context, I'm a user and as a user I'm really feeling left out of your decision.

I used to create useful maps at and then download them to my mobile device using a handy little app and wander off into the world. My maps include my community, my state, America, and places like Nepal and Sri Lanka.  Now, I'm screwed.  That sucks.

You could have left the functionality enabled but unsupported and let it atrophy naturally, but you didn't.  That particularly sucks.

Remember when Google was young and didn't have it in them to make a "corporate" decision like this?  Now, apparently, you can.  More suckage.


Barry Hunter

Feb 7, 2011, 11:19:54 PM2/7/11

Bill Chadwick

Feb 8, 2011, 6:27:32 AM2/8/11
Just removed MyMaps save / load from my hike/bike planning site - a sad day.

MyMaps was a useful place for people to keep, visualise and organise their own maps. Fusion Tables will not offer non-tech users the same abilities.

If Google can trash our work and our users data like this once, then what is to stop them doing it again and again ?
I'm less motivated than I was to keep making stuff with Google tech.




Feb 12, 2011, 9:10:09 AM2/12/11
I and many, many others are with Bill on this.  MyTracks is now useless to users that aren't hyper-technical or don't want go through several steps just to visualize their tracks on My Maps.  You'll see a lot of examples of why this was a bad move if you go over to the My Tracks group.  I hope you bring the API back.  Until then, I'm shelving MyTracks, and I'm not alone.!forum/mytracks

- Jurist

bart (Google Employee)

Feb 13, 2011, 8:28:55 AM2/13/11
to Google Maps Data API
There is an update to MyTracks in the Market that targets Fusion
Tables. We have all been looking forward to this update, and kudos are
due to the MyTracks team for carrying through.

Menion Asamm

Feb 26, 2011, 4:13:59 AM2/26/11
to Google Maps Data API
Hi guys, today I noticed that My Tracks can now access My Maps data
again and with exactly same system as before! How this can be
possible, when My Maps Data API is still described as deprecated??
Thanks for answer ...
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