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Education in Gastroenterology

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)

Access educational content from our gastroenterology titles with accompanying interactive Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) for self-assessment. All MCQs are hosted on BMJ Learning. Claim 0.5 CME/CPD credits for each completed module. Find out more information about accreditation via BMJ Learning. How to complete the MCQs and claim CME/CPD credits Step 1: Login and read the article* Step 2: Click on the Take the Test icon at the top of the article page Step 3: Register for a free BMJ Learning account or sign in to an existing account Step 4: Click on Start the test to complete the MCQs All users must complete a one-time registration on BMJ Learning and subsequently log in on every visit using their username and password to access modules and their CME/CPD record. Users do not need to subscribe to BMJ Learning. *Gut and Frontline Gastroenterology MCQs are freely available to BSG members and personal or institutional subscribers to each journal. BMJ Open Gastroenterology MCQs are accessible to all users. BMJ Learning - Take the Test

