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Acronyms, definitions and references




Observation The current value of a component, either state variable or resource, also known as fact, which must be accepted by the AF.
Goal A desire value for a component within the time frame of the plan.
Guidance Process of guiding the rover through a terrain, this includes creation of a navigation map from Digital Elevation Map (DEM), planning a path on this map, estimating the required resources to achieve this path and reacting to the environment (hazards) while executing the path.
Map describing the understanding of the rover’s situation with respect to surface&level hazard, objects, terrain and sites of interest. Also can be referred to as a traversability map categorizing which area of the terrain is safe or unsafe to traverse by the rover.




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[RD. 34]
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[RD. 45]
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[RD. 51]
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[RD. 55]
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